guess who's back..... ;)

Thats okay Tiny.....I'm gald to see that you are back and I hope you had a great time in Greece.  :cheesy:
tiny,,,, you just wanted to make sure that the ladies knew your  where back ....... that post was no accident.... hee heeee... <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
WTF... i think i just got flamed.... LOL...

how you all been doing without me... ? you better say you've missed me or i'll stomp my feet on the ground and hold my breath till you do... LOL....

well in the interest of keeping Tiny alive I'll say I missed him.....the onlyreason being I don't want his death on my hands :P

welcome back bro
wussup tiny.. glad to see ya back...   well not really, but i'm a mod and i'm supposed to be nice and unbiased...   LOL .. j/k bro... glad u can contribute again..  

later u goofy bastard.. haha