Iron Game

Gold Member

By Iron-Game

Cardarine A.K.A. GW 501516 is usually grouped in the class of a SARM or Selective Androgen
Receptor Modulator but it is actually a PPAR-delta agonist (peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptors). The reason for the confusion is simple, it works great with SARMs. They are effective
and synergistic together.

Cardarine was originally created to help treat bad cholesterol. Most users notice a favorable affect
on HDL (good cholesterol) in as little as 4 weeks. This is on of the reasons GW 501516 a great tool
when stacked with harsh AAS like trenbolone and other steroids that negatively affect cholesterol.

Cardarine also boasts -
  • A profound fat burning effect
  • A notable increase in endurance allowing longer / harder workouts

A hormone and metabolic modulator

The Olympic Committee in 2008 categorized GW 501516 as A 'hormone and metabolic modulator'.
Cardarine is known to reverse metabolic abnormalities in obese by stimulating fat oxidation. So it
increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue. Which allows the body to burn stored bodyfat
for energy instead of muscle or carbs.
Also making Cardarine anti-catabolic - it will preserve muscle mass on a reduced calorie diet.

GW 501516 is NOT suppressive.

It is not a hormone and will not suppress the body's natural testosterone making process. Thus
making Cardarine perfect for PCT making it great to use during a bridge.

Half Life and Dosage

Being non-hormonal Cardarine is good for men or women. Optimal dose is 20 mg per day for at
least 12 weeks. The half life is 20-24 hours and is fine to be dosed one time per day. Although
some prefer to split the dose 10 mg every 12 hours.


Stacking Cardarine (GW 501516)

Because of the endurance enhancing effects of Cardarine and the positive effects on cholesterol.
It is known to go great when stacked with Trenbolone (Tren) and other anabolic steroids known
to reek havoc on the cardiovascular system.

GW 501516 also stacks well with many SARMs. It is a staple in the "SARM Triple Stack". CARDARINE
GW 501516 stacked with ANDARINE S4 and OSTARINE MK-2866 has developed a reputation for
being the best recomp SARM cycle.

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