Iron Game

Gold Member

By Iron-Game

Cardarine A.K.A. GW 501516 is usually grouped in the class of a SARM or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator but it is actually a PPAR-delta agonist (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors). The reason for the confusion is simple, it works great with SARMs. They are effective and synergistic together.

Cardarine was originally created to help treat bad cholesterol. Most users notice a favorable affect on HDL (good cholesterol) in as little as 4 weeks. This is on of the reasons GW 501516 a great tool when stacked with harsh AAS like trenbolone and other steroids that negatively affect cholesterol.

Cardarine also boasts -
  • A profound fat burning effect
  • A notable increase in endurance allowing longer / harder workouts

A hormone and metabolic modulator

The Olympic Committee in 2008 categorized GW 501516 as A 'hormone and metabolic modulator'.Cardarine is known to reverse metabolic abnormalities in obese by stimulating fat oxidation. So it increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue. Which allows the body to burn stored bodyfat for energy instead of muscle or carbs.
Also making Cardarine anti-catabolic - it will preserve muscle mass on a reduced calorie diet.

GW 501516 is NOT suppressive.

It is not a hormone and will not suppress the body's natural testosterone making process. Thus making Cardarine perfect for PCT making it great to use during a bridge.

Half Life and Dosage

Being non-hormonal Cardarine is good for men or women. Optimal dose is 20 mg per day for at least 12 weeks. The half life is 20-24 hours and is fine to be dosed one time per day. Although some prefer to split the dose 10 mg every 12 hours.


Stacking Cardarine (GW 501516)

Because of the endurance enhancing effects of Cardarine and the positive effects on cholesterol. It is known to go great when stacked with Trenbolone (Tren) and other anabolic steroids known to reek havoc on the cardiovascular system.

GW 501516 also stacks well with many SARMs. It is a staple in the "SARM Triple Stack". CARDARINE GW 501516 stacked with ANDARINE S4 and OSTARINE MK-2866 has developed a reputation for being the best recomp SARM cycle.

The ANDARINE S4 and OSTARINE MK-2866 are available at


The CARDARINE GW 501516 is available at


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Good write up man! I haven't tried the cardarine yet but hear it's good
I'm really liking it. Using it with tren and test right now, and no more night sweats and I'm losing fat even though I'm not doing cardio or changing my diet yet.
One of the most exciting things about GW 501516 is the reduced recovery time between sets or even the ability to keep pushing through exhaustion during a workout because of the increased endurance. Decreased time between sets = higher metabolic response = reduced fat = greater pump. All while your body has shifted to burning bodyfat for energy and in an anti-catabolic state.
What are peoples thoughts on the cancer situation? It seems to have been spoken about a lot on various boards but without a real winner. Looks to have strong arguments on both side? I've used cadarine a couple times, once with great success, 2nd and 3rd not so much so likely bunk. I'd like to find a reliable source once the argument has been cleared up.

something I found online

In just about every thread you can find about the use of GW-501516 (GW or Cardarine) in humans, somebody always feels the need say it causes cancer. This is mainly based on a study in which rodents who were subjected to GW developed cancer during the clinical trials, which is partially true. Though, the information these people tend to leave out is under what conditions were these rodents developed cancer during the study. This argument is either because they are repeating something they read online, or realized if they cited the actually study their argument would lose all validity. The study, that is so often referred to, subjected rats to supraphysiological dosages of 10mg/kg of body, or to put that in perspective, a 200lb man (roughly 90 kg) dosing around 900mgs of GW-501516 per day. These doses defy any sensible logic and, therefore, hold no standing at the suggested dosage of 20mg a day.The study cited above, rats were given the equivalent of a 900mgs dose of GW; this would be comparable to taking 14,625 mgs of aspirin per day. Usually, 325 mgs of aspirin is 1 dose (1 pill). This dose of aspirin could literally KILL you, forget cancer!
Flawed Testing Methods

Certain studies supporting the claim that GW causes cell proliferation in human cancer cell lines were flawed from the very beginning. These studies set out to prove an increase growth of cancer cells by estimating the number of cells using a method that tested for enzyme activity, increased activity would indicate more cells. The issue with this testing method is the very substance that they are testing with actually increases enzyme activity within cells. One can quickly see that judging cell proliferation by enzyme activity, while introducing a substance that increases enzyme activity, can give skewed results in regards to an increase in cells. Even if no increase in cells occurred, the increased enzyme activity could lead one to believe it had. In layman terms, it's like testing if your water is contaminated with bacteria by adding bacteria to it!Scientific Basis for the Link to Cancer

There are reports that claim GW-501516 increases carcinogenesis through a number of ways: increasing cell growth due to the inhibition of apoptosis (cell death), promoting cell proliferation (cell growth) by increasing cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and/or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). These reports claim GW can lead to inhibition of apoptosis in human colon cancer cell lines; stimulate proliferation of human liver, breast, and prostate cancer cell lines; increases COX2 expression in human liver cancer cell lines and increased expression of VEGF in breast and colon cancer cell lines. Mainly, the reports link to the above mentioned flawed study done on rodents.
Arguments Against Cancer
Scientific Basis Against Link to Cancer

Although some reports do provide an argument for cancer, there are many other findings that are inconsistent with the viewpoint. For example, GW is an-501516 anti-inflammatory in many cell types; colon epithelium, macrophages, cardiomyocytes, immune cells, keratinocytes, myoblasts, endothelial cells, and hepatocytes. Evidence also suggest that GW-501516 (cardarine) promotes differentiation in intestinal epithelium, breast and colon cancer cell lines, trophoblasts and primary keratinocytes. This means it allows cells to become more specialized cells maintaining a natural limitation of certain cell types, without such a limitation, basic cells would run rampant invading areas they typically do not belong. GW has also been demonstrated inhibition of cell growth in a number of cells.Summary of arguments against cancer:

  • GW is an anti-inflammatory in many cells
  • GW limits cancers
  • GW inhibits high cell growth
  • GW reduces cancer risks

A study was done in an attempt to discover why so many inconsistencies existed about GW. This study took three human colon cancer cell lines and two human liver cancer cell lines and tested using different models. Model 1, in the presence of or lack of serum, and, model 2, in the presence of or lack of GW, and studied them over culture period. The results were quantified using the Coulter Method, which is the gold standard of counting, to determine cell proliferation. Under the testing methods for this experiment, all five samples showed no changes in cell proliferation and failed to offer any evidence that PPARs such as GW increased cancer growth.
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something I found online

In just about every thread you can find about the use of gw-501516]GW-501516 (GW or Cardarine)[/URL] in humans, somebody always feels the need say it causes cancer. This is mainly based on a study in which rodents who were subjected to GW developed cancer during the clinical trials, which is partially true. Though, the information these people tend to leave out is under what conditions were these rodents developed cancer during the study. This argument is either because they are repeating something they read online, or realized if they cited the actually study their argument would lose all validity. The study, that is so often referred to, subjected rats to supraphysiological dosages of 10mg/kg of body, or to put that in perspective, a 200lb man (roughly 90 kg) dosing around 900mgs of GW-501516 per day. These doses defy any sensible logic and, therefore, hold no standing at the suggested dosage of 20mg a day.The study cited above, rats were given the equivalent of a 900mgs dose of GW; this would be comparable to taking 14,625 mgs of aspirin per day. Usually, 325 mgs of aspirin is 1 dose (1 pill). This dose of aspirin could literally KILL you, forget cancer!
Flawed Testing Methods

Certain studies supporting the claim that GW causes cell proliferation in human cancer cell lines were flawed from the very beginning. These studies set out to prove an increase growth of cancer cells by estimating the number of cells using a method that tested for enzyme activity, increased activity would indicate more cells. The issue with this testing method is the very substance that they are testing with actually increases enzyme activity within cells. One can quickly see that judging cell proliferation by enzyme activity, while introducing a substance that increases enzyme activity, can give skewed results in regards to an increase in cells. Even if no increase in cells occurred, the increased enzyme activity could lead one to believe it had. In layman terms, it's like testing if your water is contaminated with bacteria by adding bacteria to it!Scientific Basis for the Link to Cancer

There are reports that claim GW-501516 increases carcinogenesis through a number of ways: increasing cell growth due to the inhibition of apoptosis (cell death), promoting cell proliferation (cell growth) by increasing cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and/or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). These reports claim GW can lead to inhibition of apoptosis in human colon cancer cell lines; stimulate proliferation of human liver, breast, and prostate cancer cell lines; increases COX2 expression in human liver cancer cell lines and increased expression of VEGF in breast and colon cancer cell lines. Mainly, the reports link to the above mentioned flawed study done on rodents.
Arguments Against Cancer
Scientific Basis Against Link to Cancer

Although some reports do provide an argument for cancer, there are many other findings that are inconsistent with the viewpoint. For example, GW is an-501516 anti-inflammatory in many cell types; colon epithelium, macrophages, cardiomyocytes, immune cells, keratinocytes, myoblasts, endothelial cells, and hepatocytes. Evidence also suggest that GW-501516 (cardarine) promotes differentiation in intestinal epithelium, breast and colon cancer cell lines, trophoblasts and primary keratinocytes. This means it allows cells to become more specialized cells maintaining a natural limitation of certain cell types, without such a limitation, basic cells would run rampant invading areas they typically do not belong. GW has also been demonstrated inhibition of cell growth in a number of cells.Summary of arguments against cancer:

  • GW is an anti-inflammatory in many cells
  • GW limits cancers
  • GW inhibits high cell growth
  • GW reduces cancer risks

A study was done in an attempt to discover why so many inconsistencies existed about GW. This study took three human colon cancer cell lines and two human liver cancer cell lines and tested using different models. Model 1, in the presence of or lack of serum, and, model 2, in the presence of or lack of GW, and studied them over culture period. The results were quantified using the Coulter Method, which is the gold standard of counting, to determine cell proliferation. Under the testing methods for this experiment, all five samples showed no changes in cell proliferation and failed to offer any evidence that PPARs such as GW increased cancer growth.
Thank you for posting this. It's right on the money.

Cardarine will be back in stock in a week, yeah...
Did it all work out for you??

It sure did! Got my order in, and the ta was incredibly fast. 3 bottle of cardarine and now I'm a happy camper! Started back on my tren and cardarine combo, now waiting to see the results. So far no night sweats and endurance/cardio is still good.
It sure did! Got my order in, and the ta was incredibly fast. 3 bottle of cardarine and now I'm a happy camper! Started back on my tren and cardarine combo, now waiting to see the results. So far no night sweats and endurance/cardio is still good.

kinda exciting to find something that combats the negative sides of Tren!!