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Ok I gotta let this shit out because I am annoyed.... I was at the gym and this is the 1st time in years that I have gone to the gym late at night... I did shoulder press and some bi's. I thought well hey this is cool only few peeps it wont be a prob just can relax and hit these weights and go home... I decide to do shrugs so I start off with 3 plates and warm up..... Then I see some talk skinny no back, no legs, no shoulders, no chest and some sloppy ass looking arms........ He keeps looking at me giving me these pissed off looks and im just getting annoyed... He gets on a bench grabs some 130lb bells gets 6 reps thinkign hes big and bad and that was with a spot and he throws the weights down and gives me a pissed off look and walks off... Then he comes back grabs the 140's and get 6 reps and struggels and truth he gets 2 reps and the rest were spots.............................. So I slap on 6 plates and shrug it out like nothing and slam the weights down just like him and just smile then he goes on telling me I fuckin couldnt do what he just did....................................................................................................................................... Lol my veins about exploded in the side of my temples........................ So I grab the fucking 140's and told the bitch to watch....... No spot............... Gave him 20 reps and I rack the weights up.... I told him to come on monday night and jump on the free weight flat bench press and then ill embarrass his ass again in front of his buddy........ get my BP going and im just relaxed about finished he had to mess with me........ that shit gets me steamed when these know it alls wanna talk shit, get on the weights and push asss and when you show them up then they wanna be your bud??? Anyone ever get this shit? I am about to rent out some space and just put up a home gym ....................... Anyone ever have this shit happen????
yeah i had that shit one time. I was at the gym, working my dick in the dirt to tell you the truth, then this guy...wearing jeans and his work boots, i guess, with his sweet as jean jacket vest (I think it said something like IRON MAIDEN) and his fucking mullet comes up to me and tells me his life story. "I tell you what when i was your age i was pumping the shit out of 450-10 times!!" then he says "All you need to do is just one cycle of steroids and youll be set just like me."

Okay this fucker had some big, fat, but big arms but his damn belly was sticking out past his chest. AND GET THIS

"How much you weigh, bout 210-220? Shit you oughta be benching bout 600lbs or some shit, YOU AINT WORKING HARD ENOUGH!"

Thats it i flipped and went the fuck off. I called that mother fucker out right in the middle of the gym. He was for it too...well at least till we got outside, he said " Man you ain't worth my time" then kept walking to his beat up Ford Ranger.

Yeah i was fucking pissed. **funniest shit ever....went back to watch my buddy's nephew play football couple of years ago at my old high school...and this son of bitch was sitting along the fence smoking a cigaret and hitting on high school girls!!!

yeah i had that shit one time. I was at the gym, working my dick in the dirt to tell you the truth, then this guy...wearing jeans and his work boots, i guess, with his sweet as jean jacket vest (I think it said something like IRON MAIDEN) and his fucking mullet comes up to me and tells me his life story. "I tell you what when i was your age i was pumping the shit out of 450-10 times!!" then he says "All you need to do is just one cycle of steroids and youll be set just like me."

Okay this fucker had some big, fat, but big arms but his damn belly was sticking out past his chest. AND GET THIS

"How much you weigh, bout 210-220? Shit you oughta be benching bout 600lbs or some shit, YOU AINT WORKING HARD ENOUGH!"

Thats it i flipped and went the fuck off. I called that mother fucker out right in the middle of the gym. He was for it too...well at least till we got outside, he said " Man you ain't worth my time" then kept walking to his beat up Ford Ranger.

Yeah i was fucking pissed. **funniest shit ever....went back to watch my buddy's nephew play football couple of years ago at my old high school...and this son of bitch was standing along the fence with one knee bent up (like the marlboro man!) smoking a cigaret and hitting on high school girls!!! FUCKWAD!!

LOL let it out brotha brotha because these little shit heads are just flat annoying....always wanting to give advice when they cant even hang in the gym
This little shit, tried to tell me and my workout partner that we had better watch it when we do snatches b/c we could throw out our pelvis. I told him thx jackass, but these are hang cleans so shut the fuck up and nevr speak to me again or i'll skull fuck ya to death. Luckily he got the point and hasnt tried to talk to me again. What a dumbass.
I can't say I've ever had anything of this nature happen to me. I've been on these boards long enough to have heard it all though.

Some gay dude tried to pick up on me once, but nobody ever has tried to get me in a "lifting showdown."
bump to the gay dude trying to pick me up, never had this other stuff happen, me and jay just miustv be prettier than all ya'll...or IP and DW go to my gym and i dont know it
bump the creepy gay dude stories, oh god, I got chills thinking about the weird phuc, paineted finger nails the whole nine yards. I just laugh at the guys who stand beside you and try to do more weight than you. There form is horrible yet the think they are a bad ass.
My buddy is that guy.

He'll say 'you know, I'm almost as strong as you'. I don't usually reply at all.

He uses almost as much weight as i do, but he half-reps AND uses sloppy form. He jerks on everything he does, then gets off the bench and thinks he's swole.

He just injured his bicep doing that shit, so maybe he'll learn.

Probably not.
there was this big dude at one of my gyms awhile back and he was damn strong and a really big asshole..well i was givin a younger kid some pointers about how to bench the right way without hurtin himself and its about the feel of the muslce blah blha blah and this big guy starts in tellin me the kid is going to be a 100# weakling forever if he listens to me and how much stronger he is then i say you think you can out lift me? he is like hell i was like fine lets have a bench off...i put some kinda weight on like 450-475 or some shit and tell him to go first..he gets one rep up and then the bar falls to his chest and he cant get it off,he is then lookin at me like are you going to help? and i just casually walked away and did my bi workout LOL
thats shits funny..people dont talk to me or start shit, my partner wears his USMC PT shirt and his dog tags, i have a shirt that says "bother me when im lifting and i'll throw you out the window. any questions?" people leave us alone for the most part except the women always commenting on the shirt or asking my boy out..
Yep I get it all the time

I get that shit all the time, I think it is because I'm 6'2 and 295. I don't let it bother me anymore I just put my headset on and go about my shit. The one I like is the ones that think they can do a real squat, they load 500 lbs on the bar and you cant even tell if their knees moved when they said they squated it.
My lifting partner and I used to wear headphones so nobody would bother us. The funny part is we didnt listen to any music because we still wanted to heare each other.
where my bud and i used to lift . we had these two cats, ya know the guys that don't have the muscle for the string back muscle tee's these two cocks would wear them every day do the same bench workout everytime in the gym" two half reps and another three reps where the spotter got more of a bi workout than the bencher" but then one of the ass-staches would slap the other in the face during the hardest part of his lift. guys I know a few of you are into the HIT program but the poor bitch of the two damn near took himself to china everytime he kept dropping the bar on himself, probably the funniest and most annoying thing I have ever seen in a gym, wait the funniest was when a pal of mine who did maintenance there at the gym was helping three guys get their treadmills going when he walked behing the middle one. the guy instantly figured out how to do it and not only that put turn it on full speed it shot my buddy two rows back and into the stair master. and the funniest thing is that somehow it threw his skater ass shoe all the way to the other side of the room and hit the ceiling. the next day he had a perfect wallet shaped bruise on his ass I swear it was hilarious