Gym pet peeve!


My big head shaker at gym I go to is how people , men or woman walk from bacterial coated lockerroom floor in bare feet then cross thru gym on the commercial carpet to yoga and back.. I see some nasty ass feet !! And they probably wonder why they got fungus growth..
Doing your exercises rt in front of the dbell rack. A guy was showing a girl, who had never been in the gym before, some stupid ass exercise 1 foot away from the rack! They made it impossible to get to tge 5-35's. I was patient the first 2 times I went to get dbells but by the 3rd time I had had my limit and just interrupted their set. 3 other people were waiting to get weights and they followed me. Just a little common sense and common courtesy would have told them to get the hell out of the way!!
I have too many to post on here, but one big one is when little dip shits take their shirts off to look at their abs
Well I shoulda specified worst one or sickest one.. We all got novels I'm sure ..Thot some new person would say something but it seems they join and don't wana speak.. And we here are all cool so don't be scared..
Here's one you won't see very often...This guy in my gym owns a strip club and he's a male dancer as well, he's asked me and a lot of the other guys in the gym that are in decent shape if they/we wanna join him. I'm going to slap the piss out of him if I hear it one more time
I haven't had many issues recently. Today this old guy who talks to me about nothing but work walks over to the rack where I have my barbell set up for front raises and leans against it completely blocking me from getting to it and starts talking about how he volunteers for the Southside kids....
I'm literally standing there in shock. He's literally hanging over my shit and asking me if I know this guy and that guy and I'm like "no.... I don't know anyone because I don't like anyone..." and he keeps on going. I was really ready to knock him over and probably would have if it wouldn't have been Felony Battery (guy is over 65). Just amazing
Here's one you won't see very often...This guy in my gym owns a strip club and he's a male dancer as well, he's asked me and a lot of the other guys in the gym that are in decent shape if they/we wanna join him. I'm going to slap the piss out of him if I hear it one more time

Well he's gotta find someone cheap for his group of obese handicap ladies for spin the bottle and you guys fit their profile ..
Well he's gotta find someone cheap for his group of obese handicap ladies for spin the bottle and you guys fit their profile ..

I don't like playing spin the bottle with obese handicap ladies......those are the marrying type. You don't have to worry about them doing your dope, bitching when you wanna go out with the guys, not coming home on time, etc. All you gotta do is give them some loving once in a while and their content cleaning the house, cooking and doing all of that shit. Hell the best part is that you can take them down the road bare ass naked, drop them off and you don't have to worry about another man so much as looking at her, yet alone trying to pick her up
There's a guy in my gym that wears his cellphone on his hip during workout. The thing rings all the time, he stops in the middle of a set and sits there and bull shits on the phone...annoying!
I don't like playing spin the bottle with obese handicap ladies......those are the marrying type. You don't have to worry about them doing your dope, bitching when you wanna go out with the guys, not coming home on time, etc. All you gotta do is give them some loving once in a while and their content cleaning the house, cooking and doing all of that shit. Hell the best part is that you can take them down the road bare ass naked, drop them off and you don't have to worry about another man so much as looking at her, yet alone trying to pick her up

thats how I like em too. lol
There's a guy in my gym that wears his cellphone on his hip during workout. The thing rings all the time, he stops in the middle of a set and sits there and bull shits on the phone...annoying!

Kid at my old gym kept talking on his phone loudly. I finally went up to
him kinda yelled in his face to get off the fucking phone and if he wanted
to talk on the phone do it outside. This was a gym not a fucking phone
booth. Tried not to let him see me laughing as I was walking away.
When the shock wore off, he left. The owner, who was a very good
friend of mine, yells back at me to stop chasing his clients out. Pretty
funny though. (and yes, it did feel good - lol)

I also love when you want to use something and a fat man/women is
sitting on it reading a book or the newspaper. Drives me nuts.
A couple of guys at my gym have tge worst B.O. Ever! Stinks up the entire gym let onions!
A couple of guys at my gym have tge worst B.O. Ever! Stinks up the entire gym let onions!

Take a bottle of Febreze with you and spray it around yourself anytime you're around them, sooner or later they'll get the point
I'd have to say when the coons get in. They can't get out, tear the trash up, and shit every where. It scares the piss out of you everytime you open the door and a coon comes running out. Btw I work out in a dilapidated dungeon.