gyno issues


hey guys, Ive had problems with gyno in the past and was always able to take care of it..I have had sore itchy nipples for a few weeks now and cant really get it to go away..I have been taking 1mg ed of MC aqua dex for about two weeks now..just wondering if i need to up my dose or add something else..any info would be great
I sound like a broken record...

Run 1mg of Dostinex at first then every 3rd day run .5mgs...Combine this with 60mgs of Nolva ED for 2-4 weeks and all your problems will be gone :)
Definitely need to add something like nolvadex in there. Anti-aromatese inhibitor like a-dex only stop the conversion into estrogen, but if you are still having estrogen issues then you need to take something to prevent estrogen from binding to receptors like nolva.
Definitely need to add something like nolvadex in there. Anti-aromatese inhibitor like a-dex only stop the conversion into estrogen, but if you are still having estrogen issues then you need to take something to prevent estrogen from binding to receptors like nolva.

Biggerstronger Nailed it bro! The itchy nips and any current gyno issues means you have FREE Floating Estrogen binding to the recpetors, so taking somehting that stops the conversion is for preventative measures, however when you already have the gyno symtoms then you need something to compete with the free floating estrogen for the recptor site, so yes you NEED Nolvadex which competes for the receptor!

Now if you taking anything that converts to progesterone, thats a different story and different type of gyno issues, and you will need an Anti-P like Dostinex
ill have to order some nolva up..I have a bunch of clomid on hand, will that do the same thing..
I am taking tren right now but have NEVER had gyno issues while on it..Ive run it alone several times with no prob.
by the way presser..what is the shelf life on your different anti-e products..i found a few bottles from a few years back..
ill have to order some nolva up..I have a bunch of clomid on hand, will that do the same thing..
I am taking tren right now but have NEVER had gyno issues while on it..Ive run it alone several times with no prob.
by the way presser..what is the shelf life on your different anti-e products..i found a few bottles from a few years back..

Ok well tren converts to progesterone, so your gyno could be caused by this and obviously anti-estrogens wont work no matter if they stop conversion of testosterone to estrogen or compete for estrogen receptor.

So what all are you taking bro, if your just on tren, then your gyno is surely from Progesterone, and you need an anti-p like Dostinex. But if your also on Testosterone or anything that converts to estrogen, then you will need to also take an anti-estrogen along with anti-p.

So what are you taking right now bro so we can narrow it down for ya and knock the shit out of ya as fast as possible, cause you dont want permanent lumps under your titties!
Years ago I did many tren cycles and never got any gyno symptoms until one day it just popped up. It got worse over time and years later I'm still dealing with it. It sucks big time. Do what Presser said and get some anti-p's asap.
Years ago I did many tren cycles and never got any gyno symptoms until one day it just popped up. It got worse over time and years later I'm still dealing with it. It sucks big time. Do what Presser said and get some anti-p's asap.

Armidex .5mg ED until it clears then use .5mg EOD...

Once cleared up try taking out the armidex and running Masteron P - 200mg spread over a week (3 shots +) should suffice unless your doing heavy courses, then up to 600mg depending. Masteron is very very potent at stopping est. related sides! I never ever ever use AI and have never had no problems by using Mast. I have ran 4g of gear a week with just Mast for the est control and it has always worked.. You need est. in the system to grow, its all about the ratios/balance, block it completely and you going to have no gains.
Side note: Nolvadex can often be prescribed if your doctor is cool its well accepted among endo as the best way to reduce gland swelling from excess estrogen.
at the moment I am on prop and tren. both about 400mg/week..Ill have to give the anti p a try..I know all about the lumps..I have already had the surgury once and would like to avoid it again..
at the moment I am on prop and tren. both about 400mg/week..Ill have to give the anti p a try..I know all about the lumps..I have already had the surgury once and would like to avoid it again..

i thought the surgery was suppose to ensure it doesnt happen again, like they cut out the area so it cant lump up again?
i thought the same thing bro..maybe the doc didnt know what he was doing..I know other people who had it done through a tiny cut like 1/4" long..this dude cut like half way around my nipple..
i thought the same thing bro..maybe the doc didnt know what he was doing..I know other people who had it done through a tiny cut like 1/4" long..this dude cut like half way around my nipple..

Yeah thats weird, and sometimes they dont get the whole gland and it comes back, but they are suppose to cut it out so it doesn't reoccur or atleast try to. And have you stopped the gear or tapered it back at all bro?
I have tapered back just a little..I feel like its slowly improving with the aquadex and clomid gonna be ordering up some nolva and anti p real soon
I have tapered back just a little..I feel like its slowly improving with the aquadex and clomid gonna be ordering up some nolva and anti p real soon

no problem, ill make sure to rush it out to ya brutha! If you need it now lemme know and ill send it tomorrow and you can pay me whenever you have the money! I know how important this is to catch early and I dont mind sending it out now and waiting til you have the cash for it, even if thats not til after Christmas or the New Year!!

So its really no problem bro and if you need it now just pm me your addy and we'll square up another time!
No problem bro! Just trying to help daddio! Ill make sure you have it by friday or saturday!
just an update..I stoped the tren about 3 weeks ago and have been taking the same 100mg prop eod..Still taking the 1mg aquadex and 60mg nolva ed
The lumpy nips have not changed or gotten any i doing something wrong...I am ready to dump the test and go back to the tren