Gyno pain


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
So, I am still positive cloud mixed up my gear I am at 250mg test e a week and 500mg of masteron. I reapond well to test and havent needed a ai unless i go above 500mg albeit i have been using one since I was on what i think was npp. Anyway I think the masteron is test bc my left nipple is sore and there is a lump of course. Gonna add nolvabloat and introduce letro to my system. I didnt feel i needed letro on 250mg of test and masteron but well, I was wrong. I ran out of Aqua dex so I started arimastane its a legal ai I have used a few times with success on phs but yeah useless with wtf ever I am on now.

I have one what causes the pain of gynecomastia and is there any way to alleviate the pain I'm going to up my electro I'm not sure to what right now I'm using about 1.25 milligrams Monday and Thursday should I do something else dose wise? nolva will be at 10mg ED
bro thats crazy if ur gear is mixed up lol, and i would use a lot more nolvadex than 10mg
20 and how long bro? They came in without labels and the tops tell u what they are allegedly. too bad the test and masteron have the same damn caps and the tren and deca do too so we dk wtf we used
That's y I use only good old reputable labs only now , I.e alpha pharma being my favourite for now , if I were u I would up my letro straight away , and use it ed or eod at least
up the anti E's bro. If its NPP you don't need anti e. NPP is not bad for gyno, sounds like you have a progesterone based product to help you gain weight but get gyno. Its common with ugls from local or overseas.

You get the image its working because your gaining weight but its the progesterone effects and puffy nipples (gyno) starting about the second week.
Use the darker colored ones-see if that makes a difference. Up those anti E, and Nolva will also reduce water weight at 40mg day and up.
Are producing milk? Give em a squeeze if it's a progesterone side and get the cabergoline to rolling. I'm having the opposite problem now I had to bump my adex to every day but it's under control now.