Ha just did my first unassisted glute shot


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Believe it or not i just did my first glute shot without anyone assisting lol. I can tell im certainly getting leaner and a bit more flexible. I dont like shooting without using two hands as its hard for me to trust the aspiration then the needle moves around too much for me. I could reach around with my oppo hand just enough to kinda steady the pin and it worked great. This was my right side thursday will be the real test whether or not i can pull it off on my left :eek:. Cant believe it took this long for me to do a glute shot lmao.
Believe it or not i just did my first glute shot without anyone assisting lol. I can tell im certainly getting leaner and a bit more flexible. I dont like shooting without using two hands as its hard for me to trust the aspiration then the needle moves around too much for me. I could reach around with my oppo hand just enough to kinda steady the pin and it worked great. This was my right side thursday will be the real test whether or not i can pull it off on my left :eek:. Cant believe it took this long for me to do a glute shot lmao.

Finally took it on the ass huh? Congrats..

I remember my first time..I couldnt sit for about a week and had to drive with my right glute up in the air. I had it all wrong and was pinning in the wrong spot, I could feel it on my tailbone.
Never tried left glute my right hand gets crippled pinning right cant imagine pinning my left side.
Finally took it on the ass huh? Congrats..

I remember my first time..I couldnt sit for about a week and had to drive with my right glute up in the air. I had it all wrong and was pinning in the wrong spot, I could feel it on my tailbone.
Never tried left glute my right hand gets crippled pinning right cant imagine pinning my left side.

Ha yeah i was definitely in the right spot, ive just never been very flexible, after shoulder surgeries etc. Ive hit glutes alot just usually have a friend do them for me. Im very paranoid about aspirating properly is the only reason ive never done it on my own.
Damn, you guys make me feel like an old timer...well, I guess I am. I've only done my own glute shots. First attempt was back in 1987. Lot's of false starts. My buddy was showing me and told me to just plunge it in, like a dart. Now I don't do that, I just press the pin against the exact point and push it in. No big deal now.

BTW I really like deltoids as an injection point. I use a 25 guage 5/8 inch pin. My problem is that with my mass it's a little difficult to reach the opposite delt, for example, left delt with right hand, so I have to get on my knees and rest my elbows on the bathroom countertop. Delt injections really take the pain out of my ass during a cycle!
Congrats GS...

It took me a while to do a glute shot on my own too, but after I did it several times I was fine. Then if you remember a month or so ago I did it and I must have hit scar tissue cause it bled pretty good all over my bathroom floor. Since then, I cant do it again...wierd huh? prob something in my head...
since im not Jay or Ronnies size im ok with the glute ..... never been a problem for me, but when preping for a show its really hard to do by yourself when cramping

congrads GS
Ha thanks guys Ive hit just about everywhere else by myself except for traps and lats. For some reason i just always had a mental block that i couldnt reach and aspirate good on my own. Glad i can reach it though much less pain then switching up with quads ha.
I use to cramp doing them when I wasn't getting ready for a show. My obliques would always cramp. I had my wife stick me the first cycle but that got inconvenient so I just started with a 25. I couldn't hardly feel it. I use 23 1.5s and its not bad either. The aspiration is tricky on the left side too.
since my mental block I cant hit myself in the glute anymore so I had a buddy of mine do it for me.....well its been over a week since my last shot, cant reach my buddy...I think Im going to have to get over my mental block soon cause I feel like Im getting weaker in the gym...
I use to cramp doing them when I wasn't getting ready for a show. My obliques would always cramp. I had my wife stick me the first cycle but that got inconvenient so I just started with a 25. I couldn't hardly feel it. I use 23 1.5s and its not bad either. The aspiration is tricky on the left side too.
Yeah i use 23's for any inject of more then 1.5cc's if i use a 25 for that big of a dose then i have to push too hard and move the needle around too much.
since my mental block I cant hit myself in the glute anymore so I had a buddy of mine do it for me.....well its been over a week since my last shot, cant reach my buddy...I think Im going to have to get over my mental block soon cause I feel like Im getting weaker in the gym...
Are glutes the only site you hit? try delts or quads or my favorite ventroglutial theres alot of info about it on this site.
Are glutes the only site you hit? try delts or quads or my favorite ventroglutial theres alot of info about it on this site.

Pretty much the only place Ive ever done it....I cant watch the needle go in, it would freak me out....all I have are 23gauge 1.5" darts, scared I will hit a bone or something...stupid I know...
yeah i know what you mean not stupid pretty common man. You can just go in about 3/4 of the way in and just hold the needle still and it will be fine. But 1.5 inches you more then likely arent going to hit a bone.