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When it comes to the most powerful steroids, Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone) is near the top. Fluoxymesterone is a very potent steroid but one that has quite specific uses and for these reasons it has not seen the same popularity among bodybuilders as most other steroids.

Halotestin excels at boosting strength significantly and for that reason it can be valued by competitive strength athletes. While many steroids offer some level of strength enhancement, Halotestin ability is at the extreme level but as we will see, this great benefit does come with some significant downsides which greatly reduces the desirability for most bodybuilders in choosing to use this steroid.

Halotestin certainly still has many excellent benefits which will suit some bodybuilders and athletes, depending on personal goals. This is a steroid that does not aromatize, making it appealing for cutting purpose as you will not be dealing with estrogenic related side effects like bloating and gyno.

Strength and Energy

Greatly enhanced strength is the most important and desired effect of Halotestin and often the sole reason that a bodybuilder will choose to use it. The massive boost in strength and energy mainly comes from the effect of Halotestin on red blood cell function.

This increased strength will help any athlete push performance to new levels, but with it comes increased aggression overall and this often makes it useful for powerlifters, fighters and others where aggressive strength might be a desirable trait.

Aggression and Drive

While this is often thought of as a negative side effect, increased aggression is also valued as a benefit by specific Halotestin users – most notably those who require the extra drive and energy for certain pursuits like fighting and powerlifting. As long as this increased aggression is put to positive use it is not seen as a problem by Halotestin users.

However those who are especially prone to existing mood or anger issues should take heed that this trait may worsen those existing tendencies in other aspects of life outside the competitive arena where it’s valued.

Starting Halotestin at a low dose for first time users will allow you to monitor its effects on your aggression levels and how well you cope with it. Doses can then be altered from there as needed.


One of the few uses of Halotestin is during the pre-contest phase where the diet is extremely restricted and strict and where many people will struggle or fall before the final hurdle. Halotestin can provide the extra kick and energy needed to push through the toughest times just before a contest.

Competitors will also benefit from enhanced physical conditioning prior to a competition with definition and hardness receiving a boost. This is only of great benefits to those who are already very lean with some of the lowest body fat levels if you are to see the true power of Halotestin in this area. For the average bodybuilder this will not be possible but those who take physical conditioning to the highest level will value what Halotestin can contribute to this phase of contest preparation.

beginners who do choose to take the plunge into a Halotestin cycle, the safest dosage to stick to is between 10mg and 20mg daily.

Even at the low dose of 10mg you can expect very noticeable results and the time frame of use for a beginner should not exceed the two week mark so impacts on the liver can be minimized as much as possible.

Intermediate users will still see excellent results from as low as 10mg or 20mg daily, but some may choose to venture up to 30mg per day for increased strength and boosts to drive to enhance performance. Liver and cholesterol health should be monitored closely when advancing to the dose of 30mg as increased risk of toxicity is virtually guaranteed.

Advanced users might be tempted to ramp up Halotestin to high doses in an attempt to enhance the effects further, but this is not the right or safe way to use this steroid. 40mg daily is considered the highest safe dose of Halotestin. Above this becomes very taxing on ones Liver. But YourMuscleShop does sell many products like Liv52 to help with this.

Advanced steroid users will see serious effects with just 20mg daily of Halotestin but once you’ve become used to this steroid and desire more hardcore effects by venturing up with the dose, there is just a little room to move and 40mg is considered the ceiling with Halotestin. No matter how advanced or experienced you are, exceeding 40mg of Halotestin each day is very taxing on the liver for anyone and Xtra care should be taken.

Thanks to the relatively long half life, for an oral steroid, of about 9.5 hours Halotestin can be taken either as a single dose each day or to have the daily dosage split into two. The goal is to maintain consistent levels of the steroid in the blood so you receive its maximum effects. Your dosage and timing of your workouts can determine whether you choose to take a single daily dose, or if you will find greater benefit in splitting it.
