Hanging out with "normal" people


New member
I'll start this off by defining what I mean by "normal": 60% or something like that of the population is overweight; these people have no idea how to eat, what they should be eating, how often and in what quantity. They eat maybe twice a day, often junk food and snack on more junk here and there.

Now, I'm not claiming g to be a dietician or anything; I'm far from that. But I have a clue. So does my wife. We're both in tolerable shape and we exercise. Definitely more than most folks. Then again, going back to my definition of "normal", most folks get their exercise by walking back and forth to the pantry for another bag of extra salt chips....

Ok, that out of the way, my wife and I took a fantastic motorcycle trip this past weekend to the NC mountains. 700 miles in 14 hours there on Fri; 300 miles cruising around for 12 hours Saturday; 250-ish miles in 8 or 10 hours Sunday and then the return trip -700 miles and 14 hours - Monday.

Naturally, this involved stopping for meals every 3 or 4 hours. Closer to 4. By the time 4 hours goes by, I am STARVING, and my wife usually is, too.

My buddy's girlfriend was actually getting fairly annoyed by the end of the trip and was making comments about "Oh, my GOD, you're hungry AGAIN??? I am SO not hungry!". Also she complained that the 5 pounds she just lost is going right back on.

This is my fault, you understand, because of how often I need to eat. I must somehow have control over what and how much she eats when we stop, though I was not aware of this power at the time..... Had I known I had this power, I may have made better choices for her..... And for my buddy, for that matter, who is diabetic and therefore NEEDS TO make better choices. Perhaps I have the power to make them quit smoking, also, and just don't realize it....

ANYWAY, we're going on another bike trip this weekend, this time the other direction, up to upstate NY, Niagara Falls, etc. In discussing the departure arrangements, my buddy gets around to telling me that since we'll have a larger group with us, "stopping every 2 hours to eat ain't gonna fly. I put up with it, but 5 other people aren't going to."

So, the only 2 people in this group of 7 people who aren't overweight, who don't smoke and don't have any health issues are expected to bend OUR ways to line up with the "normal" people who have no idea how to take care of themselves???

Part of what blows me away about this is these "normal" people have NO IDEA that they have NO IDEA how to eat or take care of themselves!!

Now, I'm not saying that a bodybuilder - if I can call myself that - is "normal", but I - we, meaning my wife and I - are FAR MORE fit and healthy than ANY of the others in the group, who all are varying degrees of UNhealthy! And THEY don't want to put up with US AND our ways......


The more I think about this, the more bent I am about it!
Obviously! Lol! My buddy and me both have hot rod Harleys. Mine's 120 horsepower. I refer to what we're doing as "Power Touring"... We ride em about like sport bikes...

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Yeah, right??? Freakin crazy!

Even then, that's a lot of miles on a bike. I inherited an 03 sportster collectors edition, which is more comfy than my Aprilia, but I don't think I'd even ride that more than 2 hours or so nonstop. Which happens to work out, because I can stop to eat/drink/pee every 2 hours or so. It works out! lol My 1000RR that I got rid of to get my Aprilia RSV1000R had 186 horsepower at the tire. THAT was a fun bike. But after two hours, I was stopping to stretch and eat.
This whole notion reminds me of a media campaign that was going on maybe 15 years ago. It may still be, I pay less attention than I used to. At the time, I read the paper every day, and there were articles at the time describing overweight people as the "new normal"; one article I remember vividly had a picture of two moderately overweight women "exercising" - leisurely walking - in a park somewhere. On a flat, paved walking path. Nothing wrong with that, but it isn't much exercise. The thrust of the article was that these women were taking good care of themselves, and we're "beautiful". That their "normal" weight - which the article admitted was considered overweight but the current standards - was actually their normal and thus NOT overweight. And that "society" needed to change its concept of "beautiful" to match up with this new normql.

Holy crap, talk about Kool-Aid drinkers!!! Holy crap, serving up a huge helping of Kool-Aid in black and white!!!
I don't hang with normals just odd balls like myself my wife and very few close friends I have a Harley Electra glide and am happiest when it's just her and I all.alone more fun happens that way
EMW this is why I really dont hang out with normal folks. When I was out of high school, I had ton of freinds mostly thru the fact that I always had some of the best weed around. Pot bonded us, it made me friends, it made for great socilaizing regardless of who supplied it...

Now I am a serious BB, and havent competed since 2013, but am itching. Problem is who the fuck do I hang out with? If I go to a bar, I drink water....boy does that attract the women LOL.....well no sarcasm, but maybe the mature ones who may apprecaite what I'm striving for. I have several women I want to date now that I'm broke up w my long term GF, I'm hoping at least a few are non-drinkers or light drinkers at worse.

Honestly I feel yr pain, I realize I'm a bit off topic, but there are times I feel like a out cast, even though I have some outstanding traits :)

Hope somebody else can relate to all this
Maybe some females can opine here....as BB'ers are we considered unapproachable? Do women look at us as self absorbed? Like we love ourselves so much, we have to feed our obsession and dont have time for a GF? I was a male hoe back in the day, (80's and 90's) but last decade and a half have had some long term GF's, now I have been flaked on, stood up, no showed on and BS'ed so bad I'm gun shy about even asking someone out even though they appear to have attraction
EMW this is why I really dont hang out with normal folks. When I was out of high school, I had ton of freinds mostly thru the fact that I always had some of the best weed around. Pot bonded us, it made me friends, it made for great socilaizing regardless of who supplied it...

Now I am a serious BB, and havent competed since 2013, but am itching. Problem is who the fuck do I hang out with? If I go to a bar, I drink water....boy does that attract the women LOL.....well no sarcasm, but maybe the mature ones who may apprecaite what I'm striving for. I have several women I want to date now that I'm broke up w my long term GF, I'm hoping at least a few are non-drinkers or light drinkers at worse.

Honestly I feel yr pain, I realize I'm a bit off topic, but there are times I feel like a out cast, even though I have some outstanding traits :)

Hope somebody else can relate to all this

I hear ya, Survivor. I can totally relate. I don't drink or drug either, but that wasn't always the case. It's been 30 years since I have, but back then, many if not most of the friends I had were friends only because we had booze and drugs in common. I've run into some of those people over the years, generally after they quit the booze and dry goods as well, and in most cases there's just no common ground anymore. There are a few exceptions. Well, one that I can think of right now.

I met a guy in Vegas when we were living there who could be my older brother... We're exactly alike in many ways and became instant friends. Neither of us drinks/drugs, we both ride, both train... similar personalities, etc. I'm married and he's single, but my wife likes him too. We moved back east, though, so I don't hang out with him much, just when we go back there to visit or an occasional bike trip we might meet up for.

As for the women aspect you mentioned, like I said, I'm married and have been for going on 17 years, happily for most of that time (had a couple rough spots, of course).

We made some friends in Vegas at the gym as well, but I'm only in touch with one of them. And he and his girlfriend are both moderate drinkers, so we have the gym and riding in common with them. He and I are close in age but my wife is older than me and his gf is younger than him, so there's a disconnect between the ladies, even though they get along fine and like each other.

Locally,few of my friends are into training, and those that are don't ride. So that's what led to the "normal folks dilemma" during my recent bike trips. It's not usually an issue, as normally we get together for dinner and a game, or dinner and a band, or spend anot afternoon riding together, or whatever. But we just spent back to back 4 day weekends traveling with this other couple and the vasr difference in eating habits became an issue. Partly because the female half of the other couple was getting pissed because she just lost a few pounds and felt obliged to eat a meal every time we had to stop for one, and she regained the lost weight. They are both smokers and do exactly zero physical activity if it isn't work related, so she in particular doesn't need many calories, and the both have horrendous eating habits to begin with. So, all that led to some friction, as you can imagine.

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I don't hang with normals just odd balls like myself my wife and very few close friends I have a Harley Electra glide and am happiest when it's just her and I all.alone more fun happens that way

MM, it's too bad we weren't able to connect when I was in NC 2 weeks ago.
I was at a buddys in his barn watched him open a beer snort a line of blow and light a cigarette and then he started to lecture me about running gear
Ah the irony....many yrs ago I was in bar and was pre-contest so wasnt drinking, this guy started casing on BB's and so on by saying we all steroid filled, gross, selfish and all the stupid supps we take. I just looked at him as he slobbered down another beer and thought "you pathetic piece of human flesh, you havent showered since Tuesday, your spitting on people when you speak, you stink, your breath stinks from those Winstons in yr pocket, you look like shit and your hair reminds me of a wet cat. Oh and tuck your 20 yr old filthy shirt in so everyone can see your 54 inch waistline, meaning you havent seen your flatdick in yrs" Now I didnt say that as I just started dating this gal I was with and this dude was some kind of relative. But I sure thought it!!
I wont cheet on my wife not saying its wrong just wrong for me but i will flurt with aney woman alive espesaly old or chubby ones it makes them feel good my wife is cool about it she dosent care how i get a appatite she just wants me to come home for dinner we have been togeather for 23 years