happy cutting stack thoughts


New member
Whenever I cut down I get very grumpy and angry. Don’t want this to happen on my next cycle so looking for some tips.
Gonna abandon the idea of tren, superdrol, anadrol, or halo. Those are my worst offenders lol.
Want to stick to some better options. Which steroids would be best if I had to choose between primo, EQ, winstrol and anavar?
218 pounds 5 foot 11 and I’m around 17% body fat looking to get down to 12%
Whenever I cut down I get very grumpy and angry. Don’t want this to happen on my next cycle so looking for some tips.
Gonna abandon the idea of tren, superdrol, anadrol, or halo. Those are my worst offenders lol.
Want to stick to some better options. Which steroids would be best if I had to choose between primo, EQ, winstrol and anavar?
218 pounds 5 foot 11 and I’m around 17% body fat looking to get down to 12%
best from your list is primo and winny

50mgs winstrol and 200 mgs primobolan with a test base