Hardest thing ever...


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I've been prepping myself for this day for a while. I thought I was in control, and had my bearings. Taking my German Shepherd to be put down today proved me wrong. I've never had to do something so hard in my life. He's been gone for 4 hours, and it's been the hardest 4 hours of my life emotionally. I feel confident that he knew I loved him. He was probably one of the most spoiled and loved dogs of all time.
Last night for dinner he got a mcdonalds 10pc nugget combo (i drank his diet coke), a cheeseburger, some hickory farms summer sausage and smoked cheese, and about 15 of his treats. Then this morning he ate his food and a donut. Then we went on a 1 mile walk. He normally would be able to do a few miles, but he was slowing down on me by the end of the first lap. So we called it quits. Then I gave him a big bowl of ice water, because that was his favorite after a long walk. Eventually, we for in the car and headed for the vet. I was already sniffling and my eyes were full before we even backed out of the driveway. He always loved going for rides though, so I tried to keep the mood upbeat. When we got there, I think he knew. His mood changed and he tried to walk off in the other direction before I got his leash on. We went in and filled out paperwork and that was torture and I lost it a bit. They had a full roster so we waited a while. Them I picked out his box that I'm keeping him in. Finally, they came out and were ready. They said they were just going to weigh him and get him situated, then come back for me, so I can be there, as I requested. When they came to get me, they took me back into the room. They tried to make it look like a living room, with a loveseat, end tables with a lamp, and a surgical table with blankets, sheets, and a pillow that he was laying on. A nurse was holding his arm, and he was laying there so good, being the great dog he always has been. They told me to say my piece then they would inject the meds. By this point I was a sobbing mess and all I could say to him was he's a good boy, and I love him. They finally found the vain and administered the drugs. His eyes started to droop, his body relaxed, and he got heavier in my hands. Then he stopped breathing. They said he's resting now and I can stay as long as I wanted. I remained with him for about 5 minutes, just petting him and talking to him. Crying uncontrollably the whole time. I finally said my final goodbyes and left. Haven't really had a 20 minute time without tears yet, but I'm trying. My other dog, the little one, is visibly sad, and he's even crying.
So if you have a dog, love them and never take them for granted. The end comes much too fast.
Thanks for letting me vent.

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The bond between a man and his dog is definitely something else. Reading that got my eyes all teary and crap.. sorry for your lost friend.
Sorry to hear that man. That why I havent had a dog since I was 24. I got her when I was in the second grade. Hurts losing one when they have been in your life that long, they're just like family.
damn bro that got me teary eyed too while I read it, your a good dude to do all that letting him eat all that stuff, taking him on a nice walk etc damn im too emotional for someone who gets as pissed off as easily I do with dumb people or situations. I really feel for you man, I hated when my Lab had to get put down, I got her when I was in 2nd grade, they become such a huge part of your life and a friend, even now when we go on a vacation I will miss my dog the first night we are gone, it sucks that thier time is so fast
My german shepherd was put down a couple years ago too. I had him since I was in 5th grade. I loved that dog, and I always told him if I found a woman as loyal as him I'd marry her. lol

DAMMIT MAN!! Now I'm all teary eyed. I'm a really stable strong dude, but some things just really get to me...
Bro, I'm actually crying reading this. I'm so sorry. I can honestly say I can feel a little of what you must be feeling through reading your post. I'm truly sorry. Eventually I hope you come to peace knowing you loved him, he loved you, and you gave him a great life. You put your heartache aside and put him to rest when you could tell that he was in pain and steadily declining. Hopefully we all can have what your friend had.
Sorry for your lost Bro... I had a dog for about 13 years that we had to put to sleep about 3 years ago..
I am so sorry. I had to watch my girl put down her Lab thats she had for over 8 years at the vet. It was the saddest thing ever. She laid on the floor with him and held him as they injected him. That site I will never forget.
Thanks guys. We're going on 9 hours since he's gone and I think I've cried so much im now dehydrated. My eyes are blood red and hurt.
My little dog is laying in the big dogs spot and whining. He didn't want to come bed, because his big brother wasn't coming to bed, like we've done everyday since the little guy joined the family.
I'll try to post up a couple of the last pics of my Merlin.

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I'm a sobbing mess now, thnx for sharing bro! I'm going to go hold my dogs now! I'm so sorry for ur loss
It is, big... It is. 14 hours and I'm still in tears. Watching the little dog search for him and being distraught over this isn't helping. As you can see in the pics, they were two peas in a pod.

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Geeze this is the reason I dont want a dog, I have one but you know this eventually happens and it blows. I have a Vizsla now, shes 2, after reading all this I spent even more time with her last night
I'm heartbroken hearing this man .. My prayers go out to your family . I watched my English bulldog die in front of me a few years ago .. Destroyed me .. Took me 5 years before I could get another dog .. I love bulldogs but I got a French bulldog instead because I would keep comparing another to mine ..
I'm sorry to hear this. I've got two dogs myself and can't imagine what it's going to be like once we have to put them down. It's heart breaking I'm sure. Stay strong during this tough time.
i hope you can stay strong. im sure you did what was right. i imagine yourdog had a great life. let his spirit live on inside you
He was one of the coolest dogs ever. I'm glad I got to know him. My wife and I both teared up a bit thinking about him. He was a great friend and will be missed. I'll never forget him eating the t-bone from my porterhouse from Outback in 3 minutes flat.
I'm sure it's hard watching the little one search around. My parents have a dog that I spoil every time I'm around him and they always joke around saying that he's the dog they should've got me when I was little because I play with him and sneak him treats all the time when I'm up there at their house. I know I'll be upset when he's gone, but I can only imagine how hard it is when you're with them everyday. I've only had a couple dogs in the past, but they were with my 2 ex's so when we broke up, they kept them so I didn't get to really be with them as much as I would've liked. So I can't even begin to fathom what you're going through, but I hope you stay strong and things get slightly easier everyday
Everything you posted is exactly the same as it happened to me.
I feel for you -- it took a very long time before I came to grips with it.
I actually was doing pretty good the last day and a half. This morning I woke up crying like a baby. I miss the hell out of that dog!
I really appreciate all of the support from you all. It has helped me. I don't think I'll ever get another GSD ever, because there will only be one Merlin. Hell, I don't think I'll ever get another large dog. Nothing will ever compare to him... His personality was amazing and his loyalty and desire to make me happy was unmatchable. Even on our last walk, I could tell his body was letting him down and he was hurting, but he pushed through it just to stay by my side as I talked to him. He would still be here today pushing through if I didn't make the choice I made. :(

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