hcg during cycle--benifical or not?


New member
on a long test cycle would it be benificial to use hcg? and if so why and typicaly how much and for how long? thanks
HCG during a cycle will stave off testicular atrophy and leave your boys in a better position to produce their own test post-cycle. You can do it a number of ways, but the two that worked best for me were:

1. 250-500 iu 2x per week throughout the whole cycle. OR
2. 250-500 iu 14-21 ED before the end of the cycle (BEFORE clomid/nolva use).

I personally prefer option 1. as maintaining testicular function throughout the cycle made me feel better than waiting until the end of my cycle. You'll have to experiment with the actual dosage to find what works best for you.
other than making your balls bigger--or back to normal, does it also have anything to do with incresing your libido?or increasing the volumne of semen?
yes ,brings back libido if its supressed, not really noticed diff in volume of semen though !
and what kibroob said covers the usage part .
I like it on cycles 20 weeks + and at the end of cycle it is a kick in the nuts seems to boast ya and get nuts back to size.

Well worh the money I always keep a few amps lying around of hcg.