
Did anyone have ever answer this? I'm going to be using HCG during my test e cycle as recommended by Shaptown. I just saw on another post that it is a subcutaneous injection. Is this true? Where can I read more about those?
Yes, it is a subq injection. I've been on it to supplement my HRT as prescribed by my doctor, 500iu daily. Basically, it is supposed to keep your testes active while you're using AAS or help you regain your testes' normal output of testosterone during PCT. Some endos (the ones who actually know something) recommend you take HCG during the cycle and during PCT since that will bring back your normal production much faster than just waiting until after your cycle and test levels crash.
I'm looking at 500 iu weekly, split into two doses to coincide with the test e doses. Each question answered gives me two new questions it seems like. Where do you do the subq injections, like where on the body? And, do you need different syringes for doses measured in iu rather than ml?
i havent had much experience with hcg... but this fall i plan on hitting it up since i purchased some this spring..
I'm looking at 500 iu weekly, split into two doses to coincide with the test e doses. Each question answered gives me two new questions it seems like. Where do you do the subq injections, like where on the body? And, do you need different syringes for doses measured in iu rather than ml?

i do mine in the fat on my obliques. yes, you do need to utilize a 100-unit insulin pin to administer it, as opposed to a seperate syringe and needle for AAS. The point is to use it DURING the cycle and NOT use it during PCT. It will keep your leydig cells pumping out endogenous testosterone and prevents them from being horrible atrophied. however, when used during PCT, all it is going to do is delay the time it takes your testes to kickstart their own natural production, and get back to baseline levels. Trust me, it is not beneficial to use this during PCT, UNLESS...you ran a very harsh cycle and simply forgot to run it during the cycle. I would even argue that it would be easier to recover without the usage of HCG in PCT even in such a case.

If you have any other questions let me know.
i do mine in the fat on my obliques. yes, you do need to utilize a 100-unit insulin pin to administer it, as opposed to a seperate syringe and needle for AAS. The point is to use it DURING the cycle and NOT use it during PCT. It will keep your leydig cells pumping out endogenous testosterone and prevents them from being horrible atrophied. however, when used during PCT, all it is going to do is delay the time it takes your testes to kickstart their own natural production, and get back to baseline levels. Trust me, it is not beneficial to use this during PCT, UNLESS...you ran a very harsh cycle and simply forgot to run it during the cycle. I would even argue that it would be easier to recover without the usage of HCG in PCT even in such a case.

If you have any other questions let me know.

I've heard that it's good to stop HCG use two weeks before your last shot and taper your last few doses. Is that a protocol you would recommend or do you think it's better to run it all the way till your last shot?
I've heard that it's good to stop HCG use two weeks before your last shot and taper your last few doses. Is that a protocol you would recommend or do you think it's better to run it all the way till your last shot?

i really don't think it matters too much so long as you run it for the duration of the cycle. I tend to not taper, and I actually will run HCG one week longer than my last Test E shot, simply based on the half lives. This way, the Test E and HCG are essentially out of the body at the same time.
i do mine in the fat on my obliques. yes, you do need to utilize a 100-unit insulin pin to administer it, as opposed to a seperate syringe and needle for AAS.

If I'm measuring 250 iu on these 100 unit insulin pins, how much is that? You go by the marks right? I've tried to pull up a few pictures of these pins to see the marks, but I can't figure out exactly how you are supposed to measure iu on them.
If I'm measuring 250 iu on these 100 unit insulin pins, how much is that? You go by the marks right? I've tried to pull up a few pictures of these pins to see the marks, but I can't figure out exactly how you are supposed to measure iu on them.

A 1/2cc slin pin should look like this

<-[ | | | | 5 | | | | 10 ...---[]

A 1cc slin pin should look like this

<-[ | | | | 10 | | | | 20...---[]

Not sure about measuring out iu though.
Think of it like this, a 100 iu syringe, is 1 cc. So each "tick mark" is .01 cc. So if you bought a 5000 iu HCG kit and mixed it with 1cc of bac. water, you've got 5000 iu HCG in 1cc. So each "tick mark" will be 50iu of HCG and you'd need to pull back 5 "tick marks" worth of HCG on the insulin needle. I hope this helps.
That's what I hate about using IU. It's never the same. I had a compounded vial of 10.5ml HCG at a dosage of 1000iu/ml so since I used 500iu daily, I went to the "5" mark on a 1cc slin pin. It's all dependent on the amount of powder you have and how much liquid you use to reconstitute it. There is a reconstitution guide on substances like this floating around in the IGF/HGH forum if you do a search for it.

i do mine in the fat on my obliques. yes, you do need to utilize a 100-unit insulin pin to administer it, as opposed to a seperate syringe and needle for AAS. The point is to use it DURING the cycle and NOT use it during PCT. It will keep your leydig cells pumping out endogenous testosterone and prevents them from being horrible atrophied. however, when used during PCT, all it is going to do is delay the time it takes your testes to kickstart their own natural production, and get back to baseline levels. Trust me, it is not beneficial to use this during PCT, UNLESS...you ran a very harsh cycle and simply forgot to run it during the cycle. I would even argue that it would be easier to recover without the usage of HCG in PCT even in such a case.

Exactly, I completely agree. I also did mine in the area around the obliques and a little towards the front.
i do mine in the fat on my obliques. yes, you do need to utilize a 100-unit insulin pin to administer it, as opposed to a seperate syringe and needle for AAS. The point is to use it DURING the cycle and NOT use it during PCT. It will keep your leydig cells pumping out endogenous testosterone and prevents them from being horrible atrophied. however, when used during PCT, all it is going to do is delay the time it takes your testes to kickstart their own natural production, and get back to baseline levels. Trust me, it is not beneficial to use this during PCT, UNLESS...you ran a very harsh cycle and simply forgot to run it during the cycle. I would even argue that it would be easier to recover without the usage of HCG in PCT even in such a case.

If you have any other questions let me know.

I always did mine in the stomach
Think of it like this, a 100 iu syringe, is 1 cc. So each "tick mark" is .01 cc. So if you bought a 5000 iu HCG kit and mixed it with 1cc of bac. water, you've got 5000 iu HCG in 1cc. So each "tick mark" will be 50iu of HCG and you'd need to pull back 5 "tick marks" worth of HCG on the insulin needle. I hope this helps.

Several articles I've read suggest mixing the Hcg in more solution than the 1 ml that comes with it. So, if I want to mix a 5000 iu kit into 5 ml of the bac. water...that would be 5000 iu in 5 ml, or 1000 iu per ml/cc, right?

I've got the 1/2 cc slin pins also. So, for this mixture would a dose of 250 iu be to the 25 mark? The ticks are the same on the slin pins right, just one goes to 100 and the 1/2 goes to 50?
Several articles I've read suggest mixing the Hcg in more solution than the 1 ml that comes with it. So, if I want to mix a 5000 iu kit into 5 ml of the bac. water...that would be 5000 iu in 5 ml, or 1000 iu per ml/cc, right?

I've got the 1/2 cc slin pins also. So, for this mixture would a dose of 250 iu be to the 25 mark? The ticks are the same on the slin pins right, just one goes to 100 and the 1/2 goes to 50?

Yes, that's correct, 1000iu/ml/cc. The only difference between the 1cc pin and the 1/2 cc pin is that all the marks on the 1cc pin are counted by 2s, but yes, on the 1/2cc, 25 would be 250iu.
Thanks for your help guys, I really appreciate it. What did the GI Joe cartoon used to say? "Knowing is half the battle"? I feel like I'm way ahead of most beginners just because I've learned so much in the past couple of months.