Iron Game

Gold Member
[h=1]Heath Going for 10 Sandows - Can He Do It?[/h]

At the end of the day, the day being September 17, 2016, Phil Heath took possession of his sixth straight Olympia title. After the relative controversies of the last three years this was a much more emphatic display with little debate concerning whether he won or not. Although not as good as his initial Olympia victory in 2011 he was the clear winner from the time he walked onstage. His confidence was abundantly clear by the way he nodded toward the audience just before he hit his first mandatory. His facial expression and body language transmitted the clear “I go this” message.
He was fuller rounder, and much tighter than he had been in his previous four victories. Good to his promise that he would destroy everybody there was no need for him to be involved in intense and drawn out comparisons. Unlike his three battles with Kai Greene in 2012, ’13 and ‘14 there was no direct mano-a-mano confrontations, wherein they were the only ones called for the final comparison.
Indeed the main focus of the 2016 Mr. Olympia was on who would finish second. The candidates were Shawn Rhoden, Dexter Jackson, Big Ramy and the sensation of this year’s Mr. Olympia, William Bonac. Rhoden finally got the nod for the runner-up spot but different factions felt one of the other three could have filled the number one position.
Now that Phil Heath was captured six Olympia titles (tying him with Dorian Yates and leaving him one behind Arnold Schwarzenegger and two behind Ronnie Coleman and Lee Haney) he has definitely moved into legendary and iconic status. However there are certain parties still not willing to award him those accolades. They point out that he still hasn’t replicated that WTF 2011 form that broke new ground in physique development. But that fact only serves to validate his qualities in that he can win while not at 100 per cent. His muscle composition is perhaps unique in the history of the sport. His muscle bellies are fully rounded and detailed from every angle giving off an enhanced 3-D effect. He has great proportions and although just about every muscle group is a stand out the tie-ins and flow of his physique is show stopping.
It’s that completeness that makes him so difficult to beat. He may be bested on one or two shots by his rivals but overall after eight mandatories he always comes out on top. His back double biceps pose is, from head to toe, arguably one of the best ever. Personally I feel that only two people are poised to maybe topple him. One is Heath himself, if he ever comes in really off. The other is someone we have not yet seen – some monster yet to come out of the woods --as I believe none of the guys on the current scene are capable of beating him. In reaction to that statement many will cry, “Kai Greene!” But if you’re not in the ring you can’t win the title. Big Ramy has been touted as a danger to Heath, but in four Olympias his best finish was fourth last year. The Egyptian came in at 290 pounds, some 20 pounds lighter than we have seen him, and although looking much better at the finals than the prejudging he didn’t make the winning breakthrough many had hoped for and predicted.
All that’s as maybe, but for now Phil Heath is in the same six titles bracket as Dorian Yates and now moves, seemingly relentlessly, toward equaling Arnold’s Olympia haul. Destiny and an immortal legacy await him. The Gift is committed to keep on giving.

It was just after 1 PM on September 30, 2012, some 15 hours after the Phil Heath had won his second Olympic title. He had attended the Sunday morning seminar and with myself in tow he, with his family and some friends, went to the Japanese restaurant housed inside the Orleans Hotel in Las Vegas. We discussed the weekend’s proceedings and he admitted he had not been as good as the year before. He reflected on having a brace of Olympia titles and I remarked that both Lee Haney and Dorian Yates upon winning their third Sandow said how quickly those titles had been earned. It opened a discussion on him reaching three the next year and then beyond.
He listened and the leaned forward and taking a furtive glance to his left and right, whispered in almost conspiratorial tone, “I’m out to win ten Olympias and I know I can do it.” It was the first time he had voiced such an ambition although since then he has gone public on it.

I was somewhat astonished. In tracking thebe reigns of Haney, Yates and Coleman they only spoke in terms of winning the “next” Olympia, with no comment on how many they would eventually win. Ten wins would mean that milestone would be reached in 2020 when Heath will be three months shy of his 41st birthday. With the crazy detailed physique he brings onstage don’t bet against him reaching that goal.
I have not been a huge fan of Phil's. I would love to see someone know his off the MR. O pedestal. I really like Cedric and especially after his Arnold win speech. He is awesome and I love the X frame.
He's just a genetic freak. Like the article stated you might beat him on a mandatory or two but nobody will beat him overall for a while if hes keeps form.
What do you guys think about Dallas McCarver. I don't think he was as sharp as he was last year. He switched coaches from Matt Jansen to Chris Nichols this year.
What do you guys think about Dallas McCarver. I don't think he was as sharp as he was last year. He switched coaches from Matt Jansen to Chris Nichols this year.
I can't wait to see what he can do this year. I really like Dallas's look.