Help Mayday S.O.S


New member
Big problems here my doc's on to me and I have to have my blood work drawn in two weeks last time my liver values where terriable and my cholesteral good was low and bad was high. Anyway that I might be able to clean up. been taking ala 3g's a day for all of this cycle (6 weeks so far) and 2g's of milk thistle. Gonna up the ala to 4.5g's and thistle to 4g's. What do you guys think I really not in the mood for the lecture thing from the doctor exspecially cause I'm getting treated for depression and ofcoarse it's from juice(yea right).
Cancel your appoint. MD's are on every freakun corner, no problems man.
Ok here's last blood test results from last cycle
Test results Normal Results
AST(SGOT) 60(high) 8-39
ALT(SGPT) 87(high) 9-52

Hepatic Panel
AST(SGOT) 60(high) 8-39
ALT(SGPT) 87(high) 9-52

Lipid Panel
Chplesterol 241(high) 120-200
HDL 18(low) 33-75
LDL 200(high) 65-130

Last cycle was 600mgs t-200 400mgs deca 50mgs winny
Current cycle
700mgs test prop 700mgs fina 450 EQ t-3 liquid clen/eca
Thaqnks bro's for all your help I'm just having some really bad times right now and don't need a bitch session from my doctor exspecially cause she says that it's the juice that is giving me my depression and all my problems.
screw the doc that preaches. Go find another one. But, I'd still get the tests done. If your liver panels still look like shit, you might consider staying off for a while and staying away from drinking too to let the liver repair/regenerate.
BSBW gonna stil have it done have to know the results as far as drinking I don't at all so that one I don't have to worry about may just have to take a long liver rest.
i meant she is on2 what???what can he/she do or say....????it is confidential and cant say shit 2 anyone else.
Gotch ya now prez the thing I don't like is that if they put it in your records and down the road they pull them for something then you could be screwed Like if you need a liver transplant and they pull your records your screwed.
Rotten bastards will do anything to avoid paying a medical bill thats why unless I die with a pin in my arm I just drank alot of beer or something but will never admit to AS.
David Crosby got a liver transplant, and look what he did to his.

mailboxkillR said:
yea bager not to flame you but OJ well come on now. It's all about the money.
I never doubted OJ was guilty, but never thought they'd convict him either. Money and fame...
yep thats what it's all about $$$$ the poor working stiffs like us get screwed and the rich can get whatever they want or need. Shit david crosby probally paid cash for his transplant. Where as cause I need antidepressent medication it's cause of juice not all the other shit that is going on right now. Lawyers doctors and insurance companys AHHHHHHHH they all suck.