
Staff member
I have searched high and low for a good reputable powder supplier of SARMs, Ligandrol, ostarine, and andarine and a couple others, Now my big question is this, Can i import the powder to the USA legally? Anyone know off hand??

Im looking into it now, but getting mixed reviews, plus i dont want some jack off at customs thinking he found the mother load in steroid powder and bust my ass thinking im importing steroid powder, plus there is also the worry of the company making a mistake and sending me fucking steroid powder, then im really fucked!

So whats the legality of this anyone?? I need to keep it legal for obvious reasons lol,
no, just looking to see if we cant get cheaper powder to make the product
Last I heard their status is that they are illegal UNLESS for medical research purposes and you have all supporting documents. Same deal as with most peptides that haven't made it to the pharmaceutical market yet.