Help me give someone some advice!

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I have an acquaintance that has come to me for AAS answers. he knows I am doing it so lying to him is not an option. he wants to do a cycle REAL bad but is in no way shape or form ready for one.
  Anyway he is going to do one with or without my help.I figured with my help he might not do too much damage. He is 25 so age isn't an issue either. He is talking about doing a D-bol only cycle. I told him he would blow up and then lose it as fast as he gained it. Anyway, can anyone give me an oral cycle that won't hurt him. I have NEVER used orals..only injectables. I realize that he will be wasting his money and so does he...but you know how some people are ???   Thanks everyone.......456
your call bro i'd start him out on diet and workout befor i'd hand him an amp.. but he's a big boy now and has the right to make up his own mind.. i'd help him
just give him some oral winstrol and tell him to take that for 6 weeks...  once he has finish, like all of us he will want MORE, and he will want to get BIGGER...  so you tell him the only thing that will give him the results that he wants are injectibles.

Youre right to get it for him otherwise he could get ripped off like you said he'll do it anyway he doesnt really have many options with an oral only cycle i tried the dianabol only cycle once and it was fine i gained about ten pounds in my early cycles.
Hold him down and stab his ass with a full syringe.  Tell him it's his right of passage or something else corny.
Tell him to stop being a fucking pussy and punch him right between the eyes. When he stops crying tell him that injecting doesn't hurt even close to that! And he won't bleed as much either!!! Later
im with the above, stab his ass and help him out. make sure he doesn't wind up like that other cat that was hittin' his O ring.
Dbol 50mgs ed for 6 weeks will work for a first cycle. I've done it and kept 15lbs.  Plus this was before I had the net and could get what ever I wanted so I didn't use any clomid or arimidex for the bloat.  I think with the addition of those two it would of went even better and I might of kept 20lbs. Of course eventualy he is going to need to poke.
Yeah somebody turned him on to the idea of D-bol. I tryed to explain that it works good at the beginning to get a cycle "jumpstarted" but isn't good alone. I told him he would only have to inject 2 times a week and that it was painless. He said "If this works...then i might try injectables".
   Anyway he doesn't care what it costs so i might go with D-bol for like 4-6 weeks and then finish him off with 5 weeks of winny?? That too much oral, for too long?
Or how about:
d-bol 30mg ED weeks 1-4
winny 50mg ED weeks 5-10
clomid post cycle....I don't have a clue fellas I am sorta shooting in the dark. He is a pretty skinny guy...said he wants to BULK .
tell him to be a man and take it in the ass... and hit him with a 19g 1 1/2 inch dart of the first week or two then get him some 23g 1" pins
<!--QuoteBegin--Gear101+Mar. 16 2002,7:39--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gear101 @ Mar. 16 2002,7:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->tell him to be a man and take it in the ass...[/quote]
<!--emo&+=--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='+='><!--endemo--> ... just tell him you don't have time nor patience for this shit.. either he does it properly or he can get the gear, info, clomid, nolva and all kindsa other shit on he's own ... then you do a most-muscular pose and ask "does it look like i know my shit or what BIATCH!".. :D

I already did that  :D  The problem is that he just spent a bunch of money on dumbells and a decent home gym. He kept telling me about it so I went over there and showed him how to lift the heavier weights <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo--> . I did some bi's and he grabs my bicep and says " See your biceps are bigger than mine" And I 'm thinking " if they weren't I would kill myself" He actually has a helluva peak on his bicep. Anyway...I'm just gonna get him going so he doesn't hurt himself. I have been preaching diet/training to him but like hasn't sunk in yet. So I will let him waste his money...say "I told you so" then do things the right way!