help w/ hcg


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Gold Member
a guy i know is coming off and he's got his nova clo,and hcg ,but all he has is the powder? and he needs to mix it now, what can he use? reg water? lol
HCG is reconstituted with bacteriostatic water. DO NOT USE regular water.
Regular water will degrade and destroy the HCG. You can get BAC water really cheap by doing a search. Many researchable stores sell it.

If his clo and nolva are powder you can easily do a search on our forums for easy info on mixing that with powder, alcohol or other liquids for easy measure.
him? lol, or do you mean "you!" lol

The old " I have a Friend" post,lol. sure ya do , sure ya do! wink wink lmao

I know it sounds like that lol , but really, I knew better. This dumb ass told me he went to walgreens and asked,lol i do say the friend thing but this time,,, it's not me lol..
how long does this stuff last in powder form before going bad ive had some for at least 2-3 months now not mixed just the way they ship it. Will it still be good when I plan on moving it since its inert right now?