help with a cutter


New member
Looking for some advice on an 8-12 week cutter. I have seen many varations and was looking for some examples of what some of you have used and what worked best. stats 6'4 255 lbs about 12% bf any info would be helpful. I have experience with AAS mainly mass cycles.
Try to change your diet around first and add in some cardio. Remember its a simple equation more calories in excess of what the body needs and you'll gain, less calories than what the body needs and you'll lose. Very simply if you burn off 2,600 calories a day and you're eating 2,500 then you'll lose 100 calories of your own BF (provided your eating enough protein).

Drink plenty of cold water, green tea (helps metabolism), coffee in am, cardio in am/postworkout or both, increase fiber intake and reduce sugar and high glycemic carbs. Don't eat carbs your last 1-2 meals before bed time and eat the majority of your carbs first thing in the am (to help speed metabolism for the rest of the day) and after your workout to help replenish glycogen stores. Keep fat intake low with exception to EFA's such as salmon oil, flax seed oil, borage oil, etc. They will actually help with hormone production and speed metabolism up to help build lean muscle and lose fat faster.

You could try T3 or clen of course but you'll have a rebound effect once you stop using them. Do clen 2 wks on, 2 wks off with T3 being taken every day starting at 25mcg and going up to maybe 50mcg but tapering at the end by 12.5mcg every 4-5 days until completely off. Your body temp will be high from the combo so drink plenty, don't take clen in afternoon and eat plenty of protein to maintain muscle mass along with enough necessary carbs to sustain energy yet help lose fat.

Let me know if this helped...
Thanks for the reply, I think I really need to start doing more cardio, my diet is clean for the most part and I know I am getting enough protein. Also adding the necessary fats. Thanks. What area of Florida are you in? I am in N. Miami.