Help with my wife's winstrol, clen and anavar cycle


New member
Any help you can give I would appreciate it.

My wife is 35 5"10 140 great shape. She's looking to cut up. She's taking anavar but this is her first cycle. She has Winny and MI Clenbuterol 0.02mg. She just started taking Winny 75 mg every 3 days how would u take the other. Does it matter when she takes the pills and how many?

Rangers Lead The Way
ok, This is all wrong.

1... How many MG of var is she on currrently?

2... Are we talking oral winny? and why every 3 days? this makes no sense. So she is on winny and var at the same time??

3... Yes it matters greatly how often she takes it.

Specifically what is she on right now... I may be saving her from turning into a man... no offense.
Winnie is not something I would start a woman off with, as stated above it can have many androgenic properties for a woman ( not what you or she wants). If I remember right winnie have a half life of 12-14 hours. I would take 25mg a day if you want to stick with your current protocol.

As stated above I would have her run anavar and winnie at the same time, they are very simular.
yeah man dont start any women off with winstrol, let alone your wife lol, anavar dosed at 5-10mg dailys is more than enough
Sorry wrote it wrong. I said she has taking var before. But now just Winny and clenbuterol. Not oral that's why every 3 days. Should she just do one pin a week. Everything i read on the clenbuterol says 2-6 pills nothing after 3
Sorry wrote it wrong. I said she has taking var before. But now just Winny and clenbuterol. Not oral that's why every 3 days. Should she just do one pin a week. Everything i read on the clenbuterol says 2-6 pills nothing after 3

Clen has like a 24-36 hour half life. I like to take it daily for 2 weeks then come off unless you use ketotifen to clean the receptors.
yeah man dont start any women off with winstrol, let alone your wife lol, anavar dosed at 5-10mg dailys is more than enough

Agree 100%! Also when it comes to females and any gear, Please DO NOT follow online advice or cycles bro. What worked for one might not work for the next.
My girl is taking the following:

Var 10mg a day
Clen .20mcgs a day (first week)
second week she will split it to 40mcgs a day and more every week after (stop clen in 4 weeks)

This is her second go at it and she loves it. She is very lean and tone.
She will add 10mgs a winny as a hardner next time around, but it is not recommended in the dose your using and as a first time cycle.
Get her off that winny.
My wife made amazing gains on 5mg of winstrol twice a day. It washer first cycle. Her clot got a ill puffy but nothing crazy. She tried avavr and was disappointed. 3rd cycle willie prime and war maybe winy again since she like it.
. Ranger do lead the way. 3rd bat boy for life###
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Ranger bro. You are welcome to follow any advice you like and I wish you best of luck. My wife has done Var, Winny, test prop, EQ, GH and IGF in the past but she was also in her mid 20's. Looking back it was a stupid move. At 35 years old please re think everything and be smart.
im confused, is member Ranger, the same as Danger range? fuck if this thread didnt confuse me lol
Any help you can give I would appreciate it.

My wife is 35 5"10 140 great shape. She's looking to cut up. She's taking anavar but this is her first cycle. She has Winny and MI Clenbuterol 0.02mg. She just started taking Winny 75 mg every 3 days how would u take the other. Does it matter when she takes the pills and how many?

Rangers Lead The Way

Which way did your wife decide to go?