

New member
What's up guys,

Im starting my first cycle. I'm running Test E and dbol. I'm current 6,4 215. What results could I get? What can I do to maximize my results! I want to be 235-240. Is that possible? What can I do to reach it. I already work my ass off in the gym & basically eat anything in sight. Any additional advice would be much appreciated.
What's up guys,

Im starting my first cycle. I'm running Test E and dbol. I'm current 6,4 215. What results could I get? What can I do to maximize my results! I want to be 235-240. Is that possible? What can I do to reach it. I already work my ass off in the gym & basically eat anything in sight. Any additional advice would be much appreciated.

easily achievable brutha, I nearly put 80lbs on my first cycle of just 250mg a week of testosterone enanthate. So yes you can do it easily! Jump start the cycle with dianabol for 2-3 weeks while taking 500mg test e a week, and eat good, train hard , sleep well and grow like a fucking weed!
easily achievable brutha, I nearly put 80lbs on my first cycle of just 250mg a week of testosterone enanthate. So yes you can do it easily! Jump start the cycle with dianabol for 2-3 weeks while taking 500mg test e a week, and eat good, train hard , sleep well and grow like a fucking weed!
This. Never gain as much as presser but first cycle was intense to say the least. Hard earned stretch marks hehe. Tain hard, don't skip days unless really needed and eat as much clean good food as possible. Lay your diet out on paper and find out exactly how many calories you will be eating, do not "assume" you are eating enough. Happy growing.
What's up guys,

Im starting my first cycle. I'm running Test E and dbol. I'm current 6,4 215. What results could I get? What can I do to maximize my results! I want to be 235-240. Is that possible? What can I do to reach it. I already work my ass off in the gym & basically eat anything in sight. Any additional advice would be much appreciated.

so what dosages are you running for the testosterone enanthate and dianabol? and whats your cycle layout look like week by week if u don't mind my asking
I gained that much on my Deca/Dbol/Nolva cycle in 12 weeks. I did this:
600 mg deca week1-11
300mgs Test prop week 1-12
25mgs dbol twice a day 1-4
20mg nolva a day for weeks 1- 4
PCT was clomid and hcg/nolva
for 6 weeks
I gained 62lbs of lean muscle. That was my first cycle ever.

I think your cycle would look like this:
500mgs Test E week 1-8 (stays active for 15 days after last shot)
40mgs dbol at 20mgs twice a day weeks 1-4
Start week 10 of MC Advanced Supplements ancillary products will work great for you.
Get your PCT laid out in case you have any issues and have to come off early or just when your done. its always best to have it all together before you start.