

New member
I had a pain in my top right part of my abdomen thats been on and off for a little over a year. At first I thought it was an abdominal strain like Gary Payton, but now I think it might be a hernia, but I can't tell. How are they diagnosed. I had an ultrasound in the area to check for gallstones which came back negative. Would the ultrasound have been able to pick it up. Would an x-ray be able to detect this?
Talk to your DR he would know. I dont' think the hernia would be felt that high up though. He should be able to feel your abdomen to see if your guts are spilling out though...yuck but true.
ihave the same problem, same pain.... i got it from heavy deads... i did ultra sounds, and iwent to experts to look at it they say i dont hae herina, but i kinda wished i did so i could get it fixed now i cant do deadlifts or bend over barbell rows or standing barbell shrugs... cause it hurts... but i can do any thing else ..
proud13 said:
What is it?

Is there a name for the problem or pain you suffer from?

nope lol thats the problem if there was one i could fix it... I dont have pain right now but if i attempt to do deadlifts or barbell rows pain will start and will stay for a while...
I had this pain for a while and the doc ruled out a hernia so I didnt get x rays or anything. He thought it might have been a blocked kidney stone so he had me get an ultrasound but they didnt find anything. After a while the pain just went away or was really minor so I ignored it. Its still kind of minor, but I feel it when I sit a certain way and I definately can't do pushups. The doc didnt know what it was so he said it was chostochondritis. I had a feeling that he really didnt know what was wrong so he just guessed that it was chostocondritis. I want to go to another doc and ask for an x ray or an MRI just so that I can rule out a hernia for sure.
It's amazing how many things these so called experts can't seem to find. Make us feel like it's all in our heads, when in deed there is real pain.
fulforb said:
It's amazing how many things these so called experts can't seem to find. Make us feel like it's all in our heads, when in deed there is real pain.

yup, exactly thats why the best thing to do is to take care of ur self... fuk who knows if some thing goes wrong any one will be able to help u... just because of one fuckin day getting ahead of myself in deadlifts and doin way too heavy i havnt been able to touch them for a year