HGH - ED vs. EOD ? what is better ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I just read a study that suggested that doing HGH EOD vs. ED is better overall for results...what the study suggested was that the body gets use to ED inj. of HGH over a longer peroid of time...Over on a different board...Guys where saying that doing high doses of GH (8 plus iu's EOD or 3 x a week) is better for muscle gain and maybe even for fat loss vs. doing smaller (4iu's or less) inj. ED for months on end...interesting study...what do you guys think ?
i dunno. i read a big thread on this at another board. they went a step further and theorized one big shot a week and one small one mid week through.
then a guy posted about not even noticing a difference between different dosing plans,....ed, eod e3d, etc.
what evidence supported this research?
I cant buy it. People just look for things to do different nowadays. I think its due to they are not growing like they thought, so they look for excuses. When they should just face the fact, that they wont be the next Mr. O.
I cant buy it. People just look for things to do different nowadays. I think its due to they are not growing like they thought, so they look for excuses. When they should just face the fact, that they wont be the next Mr. O.

Well dont you think if you take 4iu's of HGH everyday for 6 months, that you would get use to it...or I mean your body would be use to it, and wouldnt get the same effects out of it as you did the first month or two...or do you believe that the effects stay the same or it really does take that long for HGH to be effective (5-6 months longer)
Well dont you think if you take 4iu's of HGH everyday for 6 months, that you would get use to it...or I mean your body would be use to it, and wouldnt get the same effects out of it as you did the first month or two...or do you believe that the effects stay the same or it really does take that long for HGH to be effective (5-6 months longer)

IMO, The enhace properties that HGH gives the body, last longer than the duration time of the cycle. So I say yes the effects would remain the same.
Well dont you think if you take 4iu's of HGH everyday for 6 months, that you would get use to it...or I mean your body would be use to it, and wouldnt get the same effects out of it as you did the first month or two...or do you believe that the effects stay the same or it really does take that long for HGH to be effective (5-6 months longer)

I agree with Nuk. Your body works on a negative biofeedback. Your body will attenuate... unless you are doing GHRP and GHRH. Same principle as inj. Test. Your body shuts down, but you are still administering a supra physiological dose. Your body will shut down regardless of ED or EOD, same as trying to beat negative biofeedback by using Dbol or suspension. Its still going to happen.
I agree with Nuk. Your body works on a negative biofeedback. Your body will attenuate... unless you are doing GHRP and GHRH. Same principle as inj. Test. Your body shuts down, but you are still administering a supra physiological dose. Your body will shut down regardless of ED or EOD, same as trying to beat negative biofeedback by using Dbol or suspension. Its still going to happen.

Pretty much whenever the dude posts...I can just follow up with "I agree" or x2....u took the words right out of my mouth

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I agree with Nuk. Your body works on a negative biofeedback. Your body will attenuate... unless you are doing GHRP and GHRH. Same principle as inj. Test. Your body shuts down, but you are still administering a supra physiological dose. Your body will shut down regardless of ED or EOD, same as trying to beat negative biofeedback by using Dbol or suspension. Its still going to happen.
Doesnt gh have a very short half life compared to any type of test? I thought the whole point around dosing any substance, was to keep your body sensative to it. I know there is more to it than that, just throwing some different ideas out there. If you run growth ED, it will get sensative to that dose faster than getting sensative to, say 500mg/week of test.

If I get the dough up, I will be doing this

gh 4-5 IU's eod
igf 70mcg eod (not on gh days)

I would do that for a month, then raise the gh dose another IU, and continue to do that for as long as I can, then take a short break(2 weeks), then continue.
I know some are skeptical about peptides but it's an amaInfly cheap alternative....you could alt gh/pep days....
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i'm interested in the most "economical" approach to gh use.......i'm fortunate that i'm able to afford extra aas to compensate for not using gh yet, but the doses i've been running over the last 2 years have been getting out of control for what i'm wanting to accomplish