Hi everyone

ok proud....i got you...i have a very decent base....i am one of those that with dedication 2 months would show like hell.
let me tell you about myself alittle. I was in gymnastics for 10years at the same time was 6 years in karate and just about done every sport there is. Very active youth...did bb for like 7 on and off... I would say i have good genetics or i am a quick responder.
I am going to be 38 this year and have my first child on the way and wanted to be in the best shape of my life for his or her arrival. Anyway i have never done aasand wanted to seehow it would affect me or what i can expectfrom it....I know what you mean but there is also a baseline of want to expect....esp you do winny=you lose weight.....i am not asking for exact science....anyway i really appreciate everyone help on this...hey proud what do you think about m1t...is it good...is it that toxic to liver....any experience with it?????
proud13 said:
I noticed your a begginner and you wanting great things fast but that isnt the way things happen. You have to put in the time and dedication then things will happen. You're asking to get huge but ripped at the same time and unless you're a trained professional bb then that is impossible. Be realistic and set realistic goals like....I'd like to gain 10 lbs and lower my bodyfat a little.

Nothing happens in 6wks!! You need a longer cycle, perfect diet, the right supps, the right AAS, the right training etc, etc.

You also keep asking what can I expect if I take this or if take this. Well it's different for everyone there is no set standard and there are a million different variables such as genetics, body type, diet, training, sleep, age, supplements, hormones, etc, etc. You can't ask such specific things b/c it's impossible to answer. 1,000 people can take 250 mg of test and there will be 1,000 different bodily responses to it meaning different gains, different amortization, water retention, bloat, blood pressure, etc.

You need to definitely do more research obvioulsy but feel free to ask questions to help gain insight on here.

Couldnt have said it better myself!
cell911; there are so many different anabolic profiles to choose from in regards to reaching your goals. Some are more aggressive, some are more toxic, etc... I know you've read all these.

One thing I can tell you that usually DOESN'T deviate from AAS use with any genetic makeup... (not always, but I would say most of the time) ... is the fact that your first cycle will yield you the BEST results that a cycle can bring.

What I mean is, you need to know exactly what you want to do, plan it out complete, aquire whatever it is you need, then after making up the full game plan, follow it with ZERO deviation, and your results will kick ass!

The first cycle I ever did cause me to lose 19lbs in fat, gain 8lbs in muscle, and the scale didn't do my results justice. But my measurements sure as hell did. My first was NOT a beginner cycle, however a TON of research and a bit of risk went into doing the entire thing.

ok... lets' see:

weeks 1-8 500mg/Sust
weeks 1-8 400mg/EQ
weeks 4-10 T3 150mcg's/day (not smart was testing something and got luck)
weeks 4-12 100mg/Winstrol ED
weeks 1-6 20mg Ritalin ED (controlled and a fat burning device, not a common additive in a cycle)
weeks 4-12 Oral Tren Acetate 120mg/day (took fina pellets, crushed them up and allowed to dissolve under toungue or in cheek... was also testing the theory of oral absorption and was before conversion kits were born... either oral, or DMSO and tested oral)
weeks 1-24 Cranberry extract (kidney protection)
weeks 1-24 Milk Thistle (liver protection)
weeks 1-24 Saw Palmetto (prostate protection!!)
weeks 1-18 Nolvadex 10mg/ED (reduce bloat)
weeks 1-18 clomid 50mg/EOD (keep teste's normal size to hide from at the time current GF)
weeks 4-12 ECA /ED

... so needless to say, this was NOT a beginner's cycle by any stretch of the imagination. My goals were slow/solid gains, minimal bloat, along w/ Nizerol to keep from major DHT conversion (hair loss)... as well as tanning and severe lufa sponging/scrubbing to prevent acne/pimples.

I did over 8 months of research, found what I wanted, combined my goals... which as I was saying were solid gains / which meant minimal bloat... as I have family who has power lifted as well as some advid lifters.. who would have picked up on anabolic use in a heartbeat.

I took measurements every 2 weeks including BF, and worked out using HIT training techniques to increase strength along w/ size.

I was on a 3500 calorie diet, with 60% Protien, 30% Fat and 10% Carbs... (so the t3 could focus on burning fat for energy, along w/ my other additives).

... so I had serious strength gains, I had serious LEAN gains and I retained almost 95% of those gains after my cycle due to diet, training, supps, and 'sometimes' resting.. (i have a tough time sleeping).

Hope that helps in regards to the type of research you should put in, and how you can evaluate on which products would yield certain results. You won't get a response that you truely want to hear, unless you know all the compounds and can match them with your goals.

I was gonna add more, but I lost my train of thought, and figured I've rambled enough as it is... lol ...
Just a reminder since you are new to this KEEP THINGS SIMPLE, just do a simple Test and Deca cycle for 10-12 weeks and you should grow like a weed.

Also understand that to cut down, you need mass to cut on.
Why not do a 10 week test/deca bulking cycle like Thick1 said. Then wait 10 weeks and do a 8 week test/tren/winny cutting cycle. You will be very happy with your results.
cordoba makes complete sense... and I wasn't suggesting go to the extremes that I did... I was just stating that when looking into your goals.. always know EVERY option w/ thorough research etc...

that's all... regardless... a sust/deca 1st cycle... with some win/tren/eq would work wonders.
ok....made up my mind.....like i said, i have a nice build just needed a little more size before i start cutting...something in the range of 6-10 pounds at most.
i have been reading about m1t and wanted to get some info from people who have done it..i hear very good things about it but wanted to know if it is mainly water weight...and what will hgh do if I throw it into the mix....will it cement my gains made on m1t??:confused: :confused:
please respond
not sure on the hgh and m1t but i know its not a good idea to use subst. like winny because of the hepatoxic effects they can reap on your liver, wheres the chemist when you need him?
Bro relax man you did 7 bumps in this thread, and 3 of them today, you got to give guys a chance to get here and give their oppinion.
I did a month of M1T back in March and really like the result. Gained 6lbs and dropped 2% body fat. I was eating clean and taking in about 400g of protein. I still kept those gains till these days.
I would go 10mg/day and see how it affects your body. Then you can gradually up the dosage to 15mg or 20mg/day.
Remember PCT because it's hard on your nuts. If you're worry about liver, you can take mill tistle during the cycle. I've never done hgh so I can't give any comments on that. I think M1T alone should do the job.

Good luck!