High blood pressure and t-prop


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I ve been on qv prop eod to kick start my cycle while i wait for the enan and deca to kick in. My face has stayed really red and my bp has been in the 150s over 90s. Mine is usually 120 over 80 on the money. Anyone else have this problem with prop. Ive used sust. and enan and never had bp problems. My wife just had a baby and I think it is partially stress too.
Mine goes up but not that much.becareful bro keep an eye on it.

OH and congrats on the baby, boy or girl?
The baby is a girl. Ive got nolva on the side and some ldex but ive been taking 6 oxo also. I figured Id give it a try. I dropped the prop and also the 6 oxo as I started taking them at the same time. I only had one shot left anyway and the enan should be kicking in. My bloat has been minimal but I did gain 5 pounds. The scary thing is my wife's blood pressure. She usually is at 100 over 60 but she's still in the hospital and it spiked to 190 over 112. If you're a praying person say one for her.
By the way I haven't taken any prop since Wednesday. I figure if that is what is causing it, via the short half life, I ought to see some change in the next two days or so and Ill update.
I also get hp when on d-bol--i went to my md and he ,without knowing about the d-bol,gave me a script for hp medication--this,along with arimidex to keep the bloating down,works good in keeping my high bp in check
I'm using qv prop and have not experienced any blood pressure problems. Only knotting at the injection point.
I get the injection knots too. My bp got up to 170 over 95. The doctor put me on a diaretic. It has been down around 130 over 70 unless I eat high sodium. This red faced stuff just scares me. I have anxiety and it sends me into panic attacks. They also put me on a higher dosage of xanax as needed for attacks.