High Reps or Heavy Weights, What gives the best results to build Muscle?

Iron Game

Gold Member
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Low reps for me. Warm up around 8, 4 reps for size, drop last set at 8 reps. This builds thickness. I switch to 6 then back to 4. Most I do is at warmup or last set around 8. To burn more fat I superset with two muscle groups without much of a break between next sets. This works for me to build or cut.
I usually use low weight high reps 12-15 sometimes as high as 30 depending on what exercise I'm doing. I get great pumps and can concentrate better on the muscle. I also usually pause and do the negative. I also want to save on joints in my 20's was benching 405 for reps and now feel it in my elbows. Currently I'm 45 6'1 237 lbs at approx 12% bf

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I have been doing a combination of both high and low reps. It is called a reverse pyramid system. 5 set of each exercise with the following reps, 15, 4, 8, 8, 20(dropset). This will kill you but man do you get results.