Homebrew ? Please help


New member
So tonight was my first time brewing and I followed the Step by Step instructions to brew Enenthate. I brewed 2 bactches of Test and everything went great other than I had 2 problems.
1. My Watman filter blew out.
2. 19 out of 20 vials looked great but 1 vial was very cloudy

So my questions are do filters normally bust? I used 1 filter per 100ml then changed. Both filters busted 3/4 way through filtering the brew. I cleaned everything well beforehand with alcohol and also used filtered oil. So is my brew still safe to inject? and also What is going on with that 1 vial? It was in the middle of my first batch, noticed after they all 20 vials were filled. Any answers are appreciated...Thanks!
A filter should only be used to filter about 50ml maximum.

No comment on the safety of injecting anything after the 5th vial.....
Well some one I know routinely converts raw hormones to injectables - hehe
All filters blow, some times long before their designed range of use - In my friends case, 30-40ML
It also depends on what micron 20 25 40 45 micron etc. My friend always uses 45micron.

I wouldn't touch that 19th vial, I would crack the cap ( as in the rubber top ) suck it back into a large 10/20ml syringe and refilter that sucker in another filter.......My friend uses a caulking gun as you can be aggressive or delicate as you want.

100ml of any solution is a shit load, Some filters are not even designed for oils, and they clog and slow down 10 fold.
Obviously you picked the right one........As you must have done some searching, But never again do 100ml, Too much.

Make sure the filter busted on you? - My friend got confused one time - It wa actually tiny air bubles in the suspension,
1-2 minutes on the stove top with swirling took care of that, No harm in trying.........If not refilter and bobs you uncle.

Any other HB questions PM me, My friend will help you out :p