homebrew winny drink injectable?


New member
I made some winny using 24% BB, 3% BA, 3% Poly 80, and distilled water. It turned out good, did not crash but knots up to bad to inject daily. It tastes terrible but is it ok to take orally? Its not going to put holes in my stomach or anything wil it?
You can always drink winny when it is made correctly..It is a 17aa AAS, so it is harsh on the liver, stomach, kidneys, etc...

How much do you trust your knowledge of chemistry?? If you were sure enough to make it, you better be sure enough to use it...

Try a smaller dosage first, see what happens, gradually increase the dosage...

Which brings up a point, I wrote an article about this years back...I personally believe drinking winny should occur just like tabs to begin with and you should administer it in several smaller dosages throughout the day...

For example 20mgs 2 or 3x per day...Reason...Stable blood plasma levels, and secondly, less side effects, remember Winny will raise DHT, it is a derivative like it or not, so a huge 50mg dose is gonna knock your hair out quicker then you gradually easing into it...

Also 50mgs in one shot is a huge ass spike in blood pressure, while 20 or less is more subtle...

Consider all these things when using anything gear related...More is not always better, and don't always megadose at one time, thats how you run into issues.

Hope this helps. And I AM OPEN for discussion or Disagreement on this subject, so lets here what you guys have to say, help this man out.
I feel good that I made it correctly. It was my first experiment making winny and it didn't crash. Its easy to draw through a 30 guage needle like a water based should be.. I have made tren belnds and test blends succesfully previously. I agree with everything you said. I tried sticking .5cc equal to 25mg and the knot was less but still hung around to long to stick everyday. I know that winny is a 17aa steriod so it should be fine to take orally, but that is just the winny itself. I was however unsure of the benzyl benzoate, the benzyl alcohol, and the polysorbate 80 and if they were safe to ingest.
I feel good that I made it correctly. It was my first experiment making winny and it didn't crash. Its easy to draw through a 30 guage needle like a water based should be.. I have made tren belnds and test blends succesfully previously. I agree with everything you said. I tried sticking .5cc equal to 25mg and the knot was less but still hung around to long to stick everyday. I know that winny is a 17aa steriod so it should be fine to take orally, but that is just the winny itself. I was however unsure of the benzyl benzoate, the benzyl alcohol, and the polysorbate 80 and if they were safe to ingest.

yeah you can take,you will be fine

however(not flameing you)i dont like the recipe though..