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Just got home form work and my work pants just fell to floor when I unbuttoned them from all the sweat they had soaked up.
I fell your pain Major... I work in a Rubber plant and it is hotter than a mother fucker.. Alot of days in the summer it get about a 120 degs !!!!
I fell your pain Major... I work in a Rubber plant and it is hotter than a mother fucker.. Alot of days in the summer it get about a 120 degs !!!!
Shit man I've been in attics all day, I'm covinced now that they're the portal to hell.
Hell my pants always fall to the ground when I unbutton them and a hot girl is around, has nothing to do with sweat
But in all seriousness, yea, it's getting hot and will probably just get worse. It almost feels like we skipped a couple of months and went from April to August
Last year, here in TN, we had a blistering June and then it kind of leveled off during July and August. I mean it was still hotter than two rats screwing in an old sock, but it wasn't a lot hotter than the June temps were.
Last year, here in TN, we had a blistering June and then it kind of leveled off during July and August. I mean it was still hotter than two rats screwing in an old sock, but it wasn't a lot hotter than the June temps were.

It's been hotter here this year so far than I remember it at any point last year, but I could just be fucked up