How bad was tren on your blood pressure?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
My bp was 113/69 yesterday but I know eq shot mine up. Im considering running some tren for the first time and just wondering how much of an issue blood pressure was for some other guys. I know we are all different but im just curious.
Mine never got too bad, I can't remember the exact numbers, but it was similar to where you're at now
well Tren E it is bad, because its longer acting..but Tren A long as you start low, and slowly work your doses should be ok
You'll be fine, are you using E or A? I've never used Tren E so I can't say much about that, but you'll be good with the A
It really didn't go up for me when using tren in either form. I only get higher bp when I'm on a lot of test.
my blood pressue was fucked using deca and test, but once i dropped the deca it was good. ive been on tren a/testp/teste for 2 weeks and havent felt it get bad, havent got numbers though