How can one make a solution that can be used for IV glutamine administration?


MC Vet
anyone know? Would it be feasible...? I mean since oral glutamine is a waste so many say how would one make IV glutamine solution? The stuff obviously works IV because that's what all the studies are from that say the miraculous results; too bad the supplement companies claim the same results and site studies but don't mention that the results came from IV and not oral administration.

Has anyone had any experience w/ IV glutamine? If one made it what would the procedure be? And what kind of doseages would be necessary? Surely far less than oral. Shit I been wasting money and still am by eating 30-40g of glutamine ED, lol.

could one just dilute w/ bact water and inj?

Any info is greatly appreciated,,,bigjosh
no idea , i just read an article in MD and thats what macho taco was doing, a fucking iv drip, lmao
I wouldn't try and homebrew a glutamine IV. I bet you could buy them from somewhere. I am sure they are not scheduled.
got me, I would be very very hesitant to inject anything into my veins that is homemade, even if I made it.
Ok....lets get want to sit there for several hours, which is how long it would take just to get a few grams into your body, instead of just drink 20-30 grams in a shake. Ever try to open a can with your teeth eventhough you had a can opener right next to you? I think you are starting to sound like someone who likes to go over board.

Just drink it. Oh, Syntrax has a great Glutamine. The "Straight" (creatine) is awsome. I love that shit. 1,000 grams for about $20

I was under the impression that one would only need a few mg of glutamine to get as good a results as eating several grams. Also if one injected it IM it would eventually get into the blood. Some even say oral glutamine is a TOTAL waste. Well maybe it is. If it is then I'm sure only a small amount of IM or IV would produce results. I wonder where they make the shit. And yes maybe I go overboard maybe not. Educating myself on the matter doesn't have much revelance to that as far as i'm concerned, but thanks for the concern.
bro-If you could inject im than you could probably inject sub Q. I would stay away from IV. Unless you put in a permanant IV like long term patients get. But That would probably interfer with training.
I wouldn't go with IV administration. Just spend the money you save on glutamine on something like injectable aminos or igf-1 or aas. IV can be really dangerous and I wouldn't risk it to get a little added benefit from glutamine...
okay, well then how would one make an injectable solution of glutamine to be used IM or subq???? I have plenty of injectable aminos but none contain glutamine. If they can suspend injectable aminos in liquid for injection then I'm sure they can make glutamine and I don't see why I couldn't. Yes I think it may be dangerous to go IV, but subq or IM may be worth it. Yes I may be crazy, but I'm dying to know. If "someone" where to make a solution how would one go about making it???? any experts out there know???

I'm afraid of injecting stuff IV...especially home brewed shit, so I'd be more willing to make something to inj IM or subq and just would like to know how one would do so... the only things I have ever taken IV on purpose is nubain and ATP and AMP. I fine almost anything IV to be very potent, so you guys who are weary of IV are not thhat way without warrant....
If your interested in making anything I would talk to superchicken over at mass monsterz, guy is a homebrew guru....