how do you use testosterone equipoise


New member
I’m looking to do a blend of testosterone along with equipoise on my next cycle
it’s going to be 200 mg of the testosterone and then around 400 mg of the equipoise for 12 weeks
question is with this type of dosing what support supplements do I need and how much of an AI would you recommend
my goals are lean muscle mass and I’m 185 lbs and 5’9” and 28 years old
I’m looking to do a blend of testosterone along with equipoise on my next cycle
it’s going to be 200 mg of the testosterone and then around 400 mg of the equipoise for 12 weeks
question is with this type of dosing what support supplements do I need and how much of an AI would you recommend
my goals are lean muscle mass and I’m 185 lbs and 5’9” and 28 years old
test is 300mgs eq is 200mgs
but hard to say without knowing more about you
would add ai and n2guard to this stack about 10weeks
you'll get good results on testosterone and equipoise both around 300 mg a week
if you want to keep your side effects minimal go with the test slow in EQ moderate dose
make sure you go with the domestic Supply
Most sites selling AI's include dosing info. I know PSL, NapsGear and UGFreak do.
I’m looking to do a blend of testosterone along with equipoise on my next cycle
it’s going to be 200 mg of the testosterone and then around 400 mg of the equipoise for 12 weeks
question is with this type of dosing what support supplements do I need and how much of an AI would you recommend
my goals are lean muscle mass and I’m 185 lbs and 5’9” and 28 years old
Bump eq to 500mg