
For those of you who dont know our community lost someone special last night, she was probobly relatively unknown to most of you...but I talked to her on many occassions on MC, myspace, and facebook...

Corrie Voigt aka jrtlover passed away last night due to a self induced drug overdose..

Corrie suffered from serious depression and had multiple mental issues that she somewhat openly discussed. She had her good days and her bad days but in the end she was a good person that had genuine intentions.

I had some serious issues with a "cyberstalker" from another forum and Corrie helped me out a BUNCH with it...Unfortunatley by the time I got the help it was too late...

Corrie believed in people and believed in the things WE POST and POSTED...even if it was false, misleading, flaming each other, and so on.. If you posted that she was "fat" she believed you, in the end that belief may have cost her, her life....

No one here did a thing wrong, I think she asked Presser to ban her from here....and she hasnt been on MC in a short while. I just mention that because you never know who is amoung us, you never know what someone will do with themselves according to the things you post...

Im fucking sick about condolences and prayers go out to her family..

Corrie, I'll see you again when its my turn...

Very sad indeed. Sorry to hear this, we all had our differences with her but im sure no one wanted to see this happen. She was very sick indeed, she pmed me about all the times she tried to end it before, pretty sad she decided to take this route again. She could have had a good life and seemed to love the sport of bodybuilding, its a shame she left this world so young.
I didnt know her well, but am sorry for her family's loss..... very sad..
am sorry for her family's loss..... very sad..

Thoughts and prayers for her family.

Hope her family is doing ok

I feel for her family...

Guys, I feel the same way...

I briefly spoke with her mother (Sandy) on facebook and this was taken from that instant message conversation. Her mother was on her facebook account...

I"m sorry this is her mother I'm not internet savvy. We expected this at some point. She was too good for this world. Anyways I'm here trying to find out how to delete these accounts she had. They are evil and only bring about evil. Yes she's dead. Am I working this right?

I have a feeling the sort of saw it coming, by what she said..
Wow, I just read her facebook... she was definitely troubled, to say the least. At least you know that you were in her good graces, tatzoo.
I will definitely keep her and her family in my prayers... and its appreciated you take it upon yourself to mention it to everyone..
I cant believe she did this! We all knew it could happen with her just from seeing how worked up she would get over the smallest things, I feel horible, almost like I could have helped her more and maybe prevented this from happening, i had some very pleasant conversations with her, and even when she was mad at our whole community she was always nice to me and treated me with respect as i did her, but i knew she would either hurt herself or hurt someone else and i know it sounds gay but i realy feel like maybe this could have been prevented , i dont know, its just realy fucked up when u realy realy think about it.....this poor girl took her own life. Anyhow I will say a prayer for her tonight before bed
I cant believe she did this! We all knew it could happen with her just from seeing how worked up she would get over the smallest things, I feel horible, almost like I could have helped her more and maybe prevented this from happening, i had some very pleasant conversations with her, and even when she was mad at our whole community she was always nice to me and treated me with respect as i did her, but i knew she would either hurt herself or hurt someone else and i know it sounds gay but i realy feel like maybe this could have been prevented , i dont know, its just realy fucked up when u realy realy think about it.....this poor girl took her own life. Anyhow I will say a prayer for her tonight before bed
it really is a sad sad thing...I agree bro..
OMG.. Today is My Birthday.. and this is what I come to read.. a FRIEND .. yes a FRIEND passed away .. I just don't know what to think or say right now..

A lot of people didn't see the true side to her.. yes she was deeply troubled.. but to how bad she was she still did not deserve this. I think I am going to be sick..

Happy fvcking Birthday to me.

R.I.P. Corrie... I love you. And I will miss you forever ... until we meet again. Look over me, and I am sorry I wasn't able to help you more my sweet. Send the Lord My Love for me.

-The Deuce
I cant believe she did this! We all knew it could happen with her just from seeing how worked up she would get over the smallest things, I feel horible, almost like I could have helped her more and maybe prevented this from happening, i had some very pleasant conversations with her, and even when she was mad at our whole community she was always nice to me and treated me with respect as i did her, but i knew she would either hurt herself or hurt someone else and i know it sounds gay but i realy feel like maybe this could have been prevented , i dont know, its just realy fucked up when u realy realy think about it.....this poor girl took her own life. Anyhow I will say a prayer for her tonight before bed

I agree bro, i had some good talks with her as well, but dont beat yourself up over this. Honestly the last thing under her mental state she should have been doing is posting on forums. She needed help and help from professionals at that. Im not trying to be cold here but she told me she tried to kill herself numerous times and failed. She should have never been alone after these incidents. I hope she found peace and is in a better place now.
Ive struggled with depression my whole life. I have never gotten to that point but people who have never had it just dont get it. I have lost several friends to similar and it is heartbreaking. The family has this huge load to bear and so many questions get asked they really can't answer. Sad indeed. She and I talked a couple times through pms.