How long does insulin generally stay good for?


MC Vet
I am sure they have an expiration date on the bottle, but i have no bottle... see I am about to order a bottle, but would like to order two to save from having to order some again in the future, but I will not due so if the bottles only last a month or so... So is the expiration date on the bottles generally months or years away?

The ones I see are generally next year. Thats in the fridge and unopened. Once you open them they last about a month (manufac. recommendation) at room temp.
The bottle I had was 6 months from when I bought it.

It was Humalin R, and like nox said, it has to be kept in the fridge.
it doesn't matter anyways cuz i'm only getting one bottle... i did some math and that one bottle will last me a loooong time.... thanks for the input though bros...,,,,bigjosh