How many BB'ers use Tabacco

Tabacco Use

  • Chew

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Smoke

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • Both

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • None

    Votes: 17 63.0%

  • Total voters
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proud13 said:
So is that what TEAMSKIP promotes? 2 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight, 4 grams of carbs per lb of bodyweight and at least 2 cans of Kodiac a day...oh yeah and some other supplements too...j/K!!

Carbs are only 1g per pound of bodyweight. :)

never catch me with a cigarrette i dipped for 2 years through highschool baseball and every now and then ill take a chew just cause i like the taste of it but thats it i stay away from dip and cigs.
smoking is retarded. It says on the box this will give you cancer. duh! I have had cancer twice. It is not something to fuck with. It hurts it sucks it is scary so why would you intentionaly do something to hurt and endanger yourself. For those of you that are bodybuilders or are muscle enthusiasts that use tobacco, shame on you. You work so hard in the gym just to destroy it. I mean there is nothing wrong with the occasional cigar once or twice a year like Bentley and many others said. But smoking dipping and chewing will give you cancer it is just a matter of how much time you have until it does. CHemo therapy is not fun and talk about destroying some gains. let's just say it makes you lose weight and decimates your blood counts for months on end. I digress. anyhow my 2cc's. :thumbsup:
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