How many here do Intervals for Cardio???


I was wondering how many of the members do intervals as part of the cardio regimen??? I for one, have been doing them for year as well as agility and speed drills. There great for leanin up as well as holding onto lean body mass when cutting fat. So lets here. . . . anyone???
holy shit fonz... i was gonna ask something rightalone the lines of what your sayin... I do need your help with this... Now I would like to know your take on interval and long intensity cardio.. I jus got into doing interval cardio last week... WHATIS BETTER FOR FATBURNING? now there are two sides to this
LONG INTENSITY: 1:more % fat burning during exercise
interval: 1:slight increase in metabolic rate throughout the day
(the kicker) 2: ?increase in nutrient partioning throught the day?
3:more recruitment of fast twitch muscle fibers
4: only cardio accually helps the heart

I'd really like to know if the nutrient partioning does IMPACT fatloss signifigantly to be
just as good if not better for loosing fat and maintaning lean mass.... I have been a sucker for long low intensity cardio but for I am attempting to find out which is better... or maybe a mix of the two. What i have been doing is 5 min warmup then 15 minutes extremly intense intervals then 20-25 min 60-70% vo2 long duration cardio... does it seem logical to take the metab increase from the interval training and do the long intensity right after?
Well, you need both in a nutshell. Think of it like this, when you do long, slow cardio you body is releasing ALOT of fat cells to be used for energy but unfortunately the body during this process isnt very efficient in performing the task at burning them. But the low % of such a large number produces resultz we have all seen it. When you do interval training, your body dosent release nearly as many cells to be used for energy but the body is incredibly MORE efficient in burning these lil guys.

I'll answer more on this in a bit.
i know this might be little off subject, is there such a thing as too much cardio,, im starting to run in the morning and do intervals in the afternoon, 3-4times week. is that too much?
yo fonz , the reason i called it nutriant partioning because if you think of intervals as anearobic work, carbohyrates would be shuttled immidiatly to muscle pwo and many hours after jus as if we were to lift... jus a thought, gimme feedback
I was away till now (had to do some PR work, had to kiss ass so i didnt have to pay 150bucks for a book), and yes you do want to think of it as actual working out b/c it is anaerboic.
And Yes there is def such a thing as doing to much cardio. I read somewhere that after 1 hours of cardiovascular actitivty the body begins to shut down burning fats and carbs and mainly burns protein, ie. muscle. So you actually waste away, a good example of this if ya think about it is marathon runners. They actually have relativiely high bf% for the weight and the amount of cardio performed by these ppl.
Yes, you MUST treat suicides and all other speed/agility drills AKA intervals in that manner due to the fact that your body will release more free radicals, porduced from the exercise (anaerobically) performed. These radicals will act like sharp razors, damagin every cell they touch which is the main source of muscle soreness and weakness you can feel for days afterwards. Whatz worse is that every cell the free radical touches decays and becomes another free radical perpetuating the cycle. This process is called lipid peroxidation. To combat this you should consume antioxidants, Co Q10, vit C, E, and selenium.
I consume some aminos before and glutamine after as well as some other supps mentioned. Yeah, i think 2 a days where you do 1 and then the other after would be pushing the limit. I have in the past done HIT and then 25 min after of slow, steady which worked realllll well but i wouldnt try 2 X days with HIT b/c it realy takes a toll on ya.
I love Interval training.

Not only is it incredible for conditioning and fat loss, it's a hell of a lot more fun too!
LOVE interval training. I run 100s on a track. Since beginning that I've definitely been able to notice a difference.

I run sprints 2x per week and treat it as it's own workout. I don't workout with weights that day and i don't do them in the morning because I think I need the glycogen stores to be able to exert maximum effort. I take BCAAs, glutamine, and a little CM before i sprint.

Da Fonz, do you think that doing long (well, 30min or so) duration cardio in the mornings on days that I don't sprint would be overdoing it? Right now i do no other cardio besides the sprints and think i should. Would 3 ldc sessions a week be enough considering there are two days of sprints?
Personally i def thnk that would be enough, you shouldnt need to do more. Your right in thinking that the sprints are like working out, it is.

As for overdoing it, make sure you keep a constant eye for any symptoms for overtraining. I dont think its too much b/c i do that mylsef but every1 reacts differently just keep an eye on it.
Am doing them right now and it get's the job doing them about twice a week with the other days just slow intensity,.....I do speed drills, running up hills, i use a chute with strength shoes....they kick ass.....
Use some nike free's if ya want to train barefoot. These shoes are the equivalent to training barefoot. There AWESOME. You should also try the 5 rings of death for a good agility drill.