How many of you live by "yourself" ??


New member
I'm still living with my parents , in their house but someday I'm planning on getting my own nice 1 bedroom apartment. How many of you actually live on your own - by yourself ?? and how do you pay for all bills that you get - how many jobs do you have ?

And for those that do live alone, do you like your place... I'm a VERY clean person - hygiene no #1 priority ..

Its very tough to find a good roomates..or the best thing would be to find a good girl that you can marry and settle down..but today girls are gone wild :)
I bought my first house when I had just turned 20. Still living there 4 years later. Only have 1 job. Still live by myself, but my girl stays over a lot.
I am living at my brother's house right now. getting my life back in order and planning to look for a place to but soon. Used to own a house, had a family... all that stuff. After the second divorce, I went a little over the deep end.
I bought my house at 22, about 3 years ago. I refinanced it yesterday, but I fudged up and got married 9 mo ago. Just get your priorties straight and you can do it.
I live with 4 to 5 room mates(just 2 right now becuase everyone else went home for the summer) but we have a rotating list of chores that everyone's responsible to take care of no matter what. So our house is always clean. And guys arent allowed to stay over and mess the place
sugaa said:
I live with 4 to 5 room mates(just 2 right now becuase everyone else went home for the summer) but we have a rotating list of chores that everyone's responsible to take care of no matter what. So our house is always clean. And guys arent allowed to stay over and mess the place

Holy crap, 6 women in the house.......can I come over?? PLEEEEEEAAAAASE?? *looks up with puppy dog eyes*:D
I bought my 1st place 14 yrs ago, I am married 8 yrs with 2 children(6 yr old son and 2 yr old daughter) I have investment properties(11) as a side job, all in the Philly area. My full time job is as an executive for Countrywide Mortgage>
sugaa said:
I live with 4 to 5 room mates(just 2 right now becuase everyone else went home for the summer) but we have a rotating list of chores that everyone's responsible to take care of no matter what. So our house is always clean. And guys arent allowed to stay over and mess the place

wow! 5-6 girls in one house!! Hey, I live in Jersey, it won't take me long to come over :)

where in Jersey are you in anyway?
Bought a house 11 years ago, still in it, still working on it. Thinking of buying a summer cottage on the lake.
bigshug said:
Holy crap, 6 women in the house.......can I come over?? PLEEEEEEAAAAASE?? *looks up with puppy dog eyes*:D

lol There's me (Carolyn), lacey, and laura all the time and carrie, melissa during semesters. But, I don't know if you would like it here because you would get embarrassed a lot.........they all run around in their panties.
gymrat said:
wow! 5-6 girls in one house!! Hey, I live in Jersey, it won't take me long to come over :)

where in Jersey are you in anyway?

Somerset county. I think Im allowed to say that. Where are you??
embarrased is good

sugaa said:
lol There's me (Carolyn), lacey, and laura all the time and carrie, melissa during semesters. But, I don't know if you would like it here because you would get embarrassed a lot.........they all run around in their panties.

I think I could get behind some of that sort of embarrasement.
I bought a house about 2.5 years ago. Just got married 3 months ago for the 2nd time. This girl seems a whole lot more stable. I am the sales manager for a tool company.

BG I used to use Country Wide but when I refied I called and left a message 3 different times and nobody returned my calls so Now I am with AMB Mortgage or something-5.5%though I am happy about that.
I live with Mrs. Tentitan. Have not live at home in a long time!


That god they would not understand all the milk I drink!