How much red meat do you eat?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
How important is it to consume red meat for you? Im sure some of you guys don't eat much but I personally eat it at least once a week. Do you think chicken is just as good for a protein source or do you think red meat is superior to it?
I make a healthy meatloaf similar to normalsucks recipe and eat it usually twice a day. Even when cutting fat i eat quite a bit of red meat :).
No less than 1lb a day. I strive for 2+ lbs a day. Its made a huge difference.
I eat just one serving every other day as of now for my diet for the show. Off season 1 serving a day.
2lbs a day, 1 whole chicken breast, 15 egg whites, 1 tub of cottage chz, 4 scoops of whey, and whetever the hell else i can pile in, i have the worst beanpole genetics possible my real name is theTWIGness
My old man has a cattle ranch so I am lucky in that I have an unlimited source of BEEF. I also really like MuscleMeds protein CARNIVOR which is a hydrolyzed beef isolate. I do eat my fair share of chicken and turkey too though.
My old man has a cattle ranch so I am lucky in that I have an unlimited source of BEEF. I also really like MuscleMeds protein CARNIVOR which is a hydrolyzed beef isolate. I do eat my fair share of chicken and turkey too though.

You're very lucky to have that kind of meat source. I need to do more real food like that.
I also really like MuscleMeds protein CARNIVOR which is a hydrolyzed beef isolate.

That is similar to a product that Phil Hernon over at PM came out with. It was good stuff, only I didn't like the vanilla flavor.
My old man has a cattle ranch so I am lucky in that I have an unlimited source of BEEF. I also really like MuscleMeds protein CARNIVOR which is a hydrolyzed beef isolate. I do eat my fair share of chicken and turkey too though.

It would be nice to control what the cattle ate so I know my beef was grass fed and healthy. Very lucky indeed.
I have control like that with turkeys over here and once and a while a nice hog. God, it must be nice to have beef at your becon.
I have control like that with turkeys over here and once and a while a nice hog. God, it must be nice to have beef at your becon.

That's awesome man. I wish I lived on a huge plot of land with animals that I could raise and kill for food so I knew they were healthy and not have to worry about what the ground beef at the supermarket has been through before it got there. :uhoh: