How much weight have you put on since you started training ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
How much muscle/weight have you put on since you started training hard...

I started at 17 years old at about 170lbs...I did my first show at 163lbs, (at 17 years old) then at 18 bulked up to about 190lbs (natty) competed around 173lbs...then at 19 discovered "super supplements" LOL !!! and got up to around 230lbs or so...(kinda chubby, LOL !!!) then dieted down to around 194lbs for one of my final teen shows...Won the teen division and the mens open all in the same show...probably the coolest thing to happen to me in bodybuilding...Over the years i've been up to 275lbs (pretty fat, football line man look) but now I dont really get much over 255-260lbs (much leaner, abs, lines in my legs probably around 10% bodyfat) So you could say i've gain about 100lbs of weight over my 19 years of training...muscle wise I would guess about 70-75lbs or so (150lbs lean mass at 17 years old vs. 220lbs of lean mass now)
Started lifting when I was 19 and weighed 145lbs at 6'1". The highest I ever got was close to 270 and the smallest I ever got back down to was 214. Currently floating around 250. My goal right now is to get in the high 230's. But fighting a cold and a aching shoulder right now, something always happens when I get started.
i was 180 age 32 when i started to really train. by age 35 i made it up to 225 naturally then i found some assistance and now im up to about 260 but not to lean. i think on the next go i will lean down and try to ab it out but for this go its all big compound moves and big eating. i just turned 37 done 2 other mass type cycles
135lbs at 13 and 5'9 to 255 at 29, same height. So pretty much 120lbs. I've always been strong and muscular. My brother rarely lifts (competes in MMA and 2 time state wrestling champ) and he is 160 relatively lean at 5'5.
I have been in the gym on and off over several years, so I dont really count those gains and losses.

Since 12/15/09 I have been very serious about training and my diet and went from 193-195lbs to a high of 225lbs with some AAS help. Its been almost 5 weeks since my last shot and I have been steady at 210lbs. Not super lean yet, but headed in the right direction..

most importantly for me, I look much better and feel better...
160's to 200's. Its been about 6 years, but only 2 of them were consistant. Gotta re-focus so i can reach the 220's
I weighed 130 when I first started, and I'm currently sitting at 210 (can't seem to break through it though strength has still been increasing), so a gain of 80 lbs.
Started at 15 y.o. 200lbs. (guessing probably 30-ish percent Body fat.. that might equate to 140lbs. of muscle.. maybe.. lol) and NOW.. I am 232lbs. 10.34% (9point caliper today) .. so.. 13 years...give or take 70-75lbs of MUSCLE. Somewhere in there...
From 180 lbs. to 245 lbs. My goal is 280 lbs. now that I some good supplements three weeks.
started at 123lbs as a sophomore and competed as a bantamweight bodybuilder for several years before i said fuck it and started to eat like a 200lb'er.....i've been as heavy as 210 but am leaning out now going between 189-192lbs@5'5"'s a few shots from last week
Started out 158lbs @ 16 Got up to 187lbs natural. Started aas @ 33 and got up to 217lbs. Currently a comfortable 205!
I graduated high school and went in the Army and weighed 141. I got out 4.5 years later and was 165. This past year I was my heaviest at 236. Currently I am 218-220.

Heck I almost gained a hundred pounds in 15 years...LOL
105lbs. Started at 18 5'7 135. At 5'9 215 I gained enough naturally. Today, 5'9 - 240lbs. My best was 260lbs 3years ago. Took some time off and going for 280lbs. It's been a great journey so far. I just wish our life spands were longer; even after over 20 years of training I'm still learning more about my body. If I could go back in time to teach myself I'd be a monster!
Started at 19 at 140 and went natty to 185 in about three years. Im at 225 right now but Ive been as much as 250. I would say about 75 pounds of muscle is what I added.
ive gained about 50lbs of muscle i think. started at a 'skinny fat' 195lbs. dropped to 150's in three months. started building from there. just hit low 240's for first time.
started at 16yo..... finished high school at 280lbs about 18% bf... dorpped down to 205 over the next 2 yrs...and have been building more quality ever since... i float around 230-240lbs off cycle now a days. Start running some goodies in 2 weeks so well see where it takes me