How often do people ask you or friends if you take steroids?


Gold Member
I have had people ask me or friends about 3-4 times in the past 1 1/2 weeks if I take!!! I am not that big. (or big at all imo)

5'9 185 lbs

I want to hear about how many times per week or month that you hear this and also list your stats just for a comparison between different sizes of people.
I was asked this alot a while ago. I just said that I will take that as a compliment and that my hard work must be paying off.
I was asked, this week at work,I tell them iam on high protein
diet and creatine the same stuff thats in all the muscle mags.

6ft 215 as of today
at least once a month I usually turn ask them if they even know what steriods are 9 out of 10 times they have know idea just what they see in the movies. Damn hockey players
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no shit I get asked about every day or two while I am at the gym I bought tires the other week and the tire guy asked if I was juice'n I laughed I get asked by diffrent ppl at diffrent times just depends what I am wearing

I am 5'9" and weigh 210lbs and just started my winter bulker
I am not asked, I am told I am on steroids. WTF? I am fat sloppy and out of shape. Hell I'm not even very strong. The kicker to me though....I have never used. 5'11 225lbs
People never ask me. I am 244 at 6 foot so they just assume that I use them. People ask about you since you are in that "not too sure phase, maybe he uses maybe he does not".

I've never had anyone flat out ask me. Since my contest, though (the last 7 weeks), I've had a couple people make comments like "I hope you're not doing anything unhealthy"
I haven't got the "are you juicing?" too often, or at least not seriously. If I am asked the juice question directly, it is in a passing kind of way and I usually don't acknowledge it. I get asked if I am on "anything," which to me could be anything at all and I answer as such. What I have gotten quite often is the "you've gotten fucking big" or "you're one big dude." Just last weekend for example, I was made reference to numerous times in one night when people were speaking of Big Guys and Bodybuilders. IMO I don't consider myself big, but I probably never will. I am 6'2" and 223 lbs., but compared to a lot of people when I am out, I am larger and more built than them. I hope to consider myself a Big Guy when I am at the end of my next bulker, to commence in a couple of months.
I agree with Tennotitan, in that those of us who are asked are usually asked because we can go either way- juice or doesn't juice. I've been to places and seen guys who definately juice and just knew. Funny though, I have seen less of those guys around since I started using. Hmmmm...
Another recollection that helped the ego: when I was making dinner for an ex-girlfriend (we had just romped like rats in a shoebox so I was dressed in just Addidas warmup pants and a dego-t) and she was just staring at me in the kitchen and eventually said, "Jesus Christ, did you get huge!"

I know all of us have a collection of stories like this.
most girls I date ask right away.. knowbody in the gym has ever directly asked but after I was benching I heard a trainer and some girl talking about steroids and looking over in my direction... if I was at the gym I wouldnt ask me either :)between the gear and stackers I am working out like a madman
37 6'2" 265lbs
lol, I'll echo the sentiments of some of the above posts. It will get to the point where no one except your closest friends will even bother you at the gym. I'm ~250 @ 5'10" and nobody even talks to me, LOL.
I get asked/accused all the time

The only thing I can say is it's much more comfortable for me hanging around people that compete because then I don't have to worry about it coming up all the time, etc. I will say that it does get pretty old getting asked all the time though.
people make comments but they don't out and out ask. But I don't wear tanks either always xl t's and I am too fat to really look stacked.
6-0 238 and just starting a bulker
No one asks me if I'm on steroids.....most of them ask if I'd ever consider getting into the gym to get myself in shape, or they ask if I have just gotten over some debilitating sickness
I've been asked. I've been told. I've had my wife approached by ppl at the Gym and ask how the hell does He get so big. She has a Great line...She says " No offence, but my husband has Goals to get Results from his work outs and not just come up to the Gym year after year so he can look the same !" LOL I love that.

When I'm asked I tell'em Yeah.. Sure ..Do ya want some , and I pull some Gum or my multi vitamin,etc.. out of my pocket and tell'em to eat this and you'll be HUGE when you wake up tomorrow:) or if they are like important ppl at work I'll take it as a compliment. Never defensive tho.
Most of the time people dont ask me a lot just assume specially those at the gym I mean when you put on 45 lbs in one year it is kinda obvious....