How soon to start Winstrol pre contest


New member
Okay so today marks the 6 week mark out from my first show. As far as I can tell and what others tell me hoping that they're being honest I think I'm right on track.
Right now I'm on a TRT dose of test cyp at 200mg per week I'm also taking tren A at 50mg EOD just started 2 weeks ago. I'm also taking 100mg's of var ED. I have a ton of 50mg Winstrol orals. Should I start taking now or hold off? Can I start at 25mg per day or just wait until I get closer?
Also is there anyone that I can send progress pictures to that can tell me if I'm on track or not? The closer to the show the more paranoid i'm getting that I wont be ready
Hit up and hire 3J he will dial you in....super important to have someone like him helping you out, can't even begin to tell you how important it is Also get a posing coach especially if this is your first show.......even guys with a lot of shows under their belt hire a diet coach and posing coqch.....don't be that guy come show time e because there is always "that guy" at a show who tried to do things on his own and you don't want to embarrass yourself.....

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Also if I was you I would ump up my test intake, 200 is not that much.......
Your already "not that guy" your looking good bro! Keep up the good work. I'd start the winny 50mg/Ed 4weeks out
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Thanks I really appreciate it. I can keep posting progress pics up if you guys want in future weeks. Idk I don't want to be annoying. I know I still am carrying fat on my glutes, lower back, and legs. I'm only have maybe 8 days worth of var to keep going I threw it in there 2 weeks ago to help get me going in the gym because my carbs are low. Now I'm just taking it to finish it off. Trust me I'm not a big fan of orals I think theyre dangerous for the most part, but I don't think var is that harsh and my liver enzymes were good last bloodtest.
Thanks for the encouragement man I really appreciate it. I'll throw up more pictures in 2 weeks. Sorry if I post any silly questions like I said I don't have any friends who bodybuild so it's tough for me
Nothing is too silly to ask, that's what these communities are supposed to be about, learning from the experience and errors of each other. Unfortunately that gets lost many times on posturing and ego from so many. We all have to start and end somewhere! Keep up the good work, your doing great and aren't "that guy", lol!
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Thanks for the encouragement man I really appreciate it. I'll throw up more pictures in 2 weeks. Sorry if I post any silly questions like I said I don't have any friends who bodybuild so it's tough for me
No such thing as a silly question. Well, I take that back, there is, but don't worry about it. I ask silly questions all the time. You're looking good so far, keep up the good work.

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Thanks I really appreciate it. I can keep posting progress pics up if you guys want in future weeks. Idk I don't want to be annoying. I know I still am carrying fat on my glutes, lower back, and legs. I'm only have maybe 8 days worth of var to keep going I threw it in there 2 weeks ago to help get me going in the gym because my carbs are low. Now I'm just taking it to finish it off. Trust me I'm not a big fan of orals I think theyre dangerous for the most part, but I don't think var is that harsh and my liver enzymes were good last bloodtest.

Bro, not annoying at all, thats exactly why were here daddio! To help in any way we can, with everything from cycle advice to progress pictures etc...

Also sorry if i already missed it, but what are you competing in?

And my best advice is this: listen to one guy who knows what he is doing, and try not to implement many different things from many different people, thats a recipe for disaster, however that doesnt mean not to ask questions here, and post progress pictures, and youll get great fedback from those who know what theyre talking about and you'll be equipped to ask your ONE coach Important questions that you might not have thought about without feedback from sites like this, and possibly even your coach may not have thought about, so its always great to get feedback from everyone, but IMPLEMENTATION should be from one person, whomever you decide on!

BTW looking man,
Thanks i'm going Light Heavyweight for these two shows. Waking up at 200 lbs still. I dont fully know the rules on how this works but is anyone aloud to tell me where I can get a diuretic for the shows? Possibly dyazide?
I wouldn't use a diuretic bro! You can pull the water out without it