How the f*** do I not know right form?


New member
Ok well I think I have forgotten how to squat lol. I used to squat like 280lbs last year. But like I forgot the right form so like I cant squat anything really at all without losing my balance. I cant go down all the way no matter what either.
Try using a smith machine. Your back will stay straight throughout the movement as long as you keep your head and eyes forward. You'll take some stress off your quads placing it on your glutes when going to the floor.
ChuckaZulu is right. The other thing that has helped me tremendously is doing bodyweight squats everynight before going to bed. Put your hands out in front of you for balance and just squat down and get your ass as low as it will go. I do 10 - 20 almost everynight as part of my Stretching/Cool down/Ready for Lovin' Sequence ©

Stretching/Cool down/Ready for Lovin' Sequence © MikeSwift 2006
Well ill try the bodyweight squats ... those seem like they will help but they dont have a smith machine at school its freeweights that we squat with .. So i dont have that option
That's definitely a good idea, your own bodyweight with squats,...i need to try that some, i have seen alot difference with smith machine squats,'s a matter of time i move to free weights with squats....
Sometimes after taking a long break from a certain exercise this happens. Just go lighter until you get the proper form down then increase the weight gradually as you become more comfortable. Squats are def. one exercise that you don't want to use shitty form.

And you're not going down "all the way" are you? That puts high strain on your knees.
Like PJT said, start off light and get the form right. Sounds like the "stabilizer" muscles need to be worked out again. It will come back in due time.
Yep...start off with just 10's or 25's on each side and practice with the correct form for awhile. Don't worry about looking stupid. You will look much stupider doing squats the wrong way.
i knew this guy who couldnt squat for shit, he would forever lose his balance and he could barely get down to parallel. but one day i had him do front squats and all of a sudden became the king of squats....i guess he just wasnt use to the weight on his shoulders, so i pushed him forward and threw him off balance....with the front squats it makes you keep your back straighter, and you kinda have to or else the bar will roll of your arms...anyways try front squats, with just the bar and slowly add weight with time...
PJT said:
And you're not going down "all the way" are you? That puts high strain on your knees.

This has been the subject of much debate, apparently scientists are saying that your knees are more vulnerable if you stop at parrallel instead of continuing to squat deep. I'm torn personally because I used to have knee problems and I only went to parrallel. So far I've been going lighter and going deep and I haven't had any problems yet. The jury is still out as far as I'm concerned but it sounds to me like it's an individual thing and everyone is different.
I can say from my personal experience that going past parellel actually is better on my knees. I think trying to stop with a shitload of weight on you back puts a tremendous amount of stress on the joint. I don't know, deeper just feels better to me AND I like the results. Malic, how about widening your stance a little? I find I feel more stable if my feet are 6-8 inches outside my shoulders and I know alot of power guys go even further than that. Again start light as to aviod injury. Just my 2c!!!
Maybe my knees just suck lol. But I wasn't saying stop at paralell. I've always gone 1/2 way between paralell and all the way down. If I went all the way down to where my ass was hitting my heels I know it would destroy my knees.