how to add some winstrol to finish my cycle


New member
hello I’m currently 40 years old and I’m six foot one and 218 pounds
training for the past 15 years and I have plenty of steroid experience but never with too many orals usually just injectables
I’m looking to add winstrol to finish my upcoming cycle and wanted to know how to do it Most effectively
the cycle I am going to do is
test cyp 500mgs a week
equipoise 800mgs a week
wanted to add some winstrol to cut a bit. Thoughts?
hello I’m currently 40 years old and I’m six foot one and 218 pounds
training for the past 15 years and I have plenty of steroid experience but never with too many orals usually just injectables
I’m looking to add winstrol to finish my upcoming cycle and wanted to know how to do it Most effectively
the cycle I am going to do is
test cyp 500mgs a week
equipoise 800mgs a week
wanted to add some winstrol to cut a bit. Thoughts?
thats a big cycle
cut eq to 400mgs dude

get 50mgs winstrol in there
I like this stack a lot you'll have some lean bulking action on it make sure you go 12 weeks
domestic supply has excellent equipoise you won't need to run 800 milligrams because it's quality you need no more than 600 milligrams
ugfreak and para pharma have really good deals right now if you want to run a cycle like this you'll save a lot of money for July
thats way too much equipoise and really too much test as well.. 400-500 mg of equipoise is more than enough as it is... you need to scale down those doses.. i would be more in the 300-350 range with test as well...
hello I’m currently 40 years old and I’m six foot one and 218 pounds
training for the past 15 years and I have plenty of steroid experience but never with too many orals usually just injectables
I’m looking to add winstrol to finish my upcoming cycle and wanted to know how to do it Most effectively
the cycle I am going to do is
test cyp 500mgs a week
equipoise 800mgs a week
wanted to add some winstrol to cut a bit. Thoughts?
50mg ed for 6 weeks
25-50mg at the end as guys have said is a proper way of running, just make sure you utilize joint support with winny.