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Weight loss is a popular pursuit, particularly at the start of the new year. But your health & fitness goals may not center around reducing the number on the scale. If you’re trying to gain weight fast — whether for sports or a desire to bulk up into a new shirt size — you need to know how...
The post How to Gain Weight Fast (and Safely), According to Science appeared first on BarBend.
Weight loss is a popular pursuit, particularly at the start of the new year. But your health & fitness goals may not center around reducing the number on the scale. If you’re trying to gain weight fast — whether for sports or a desire to bulk up into a new shirt size — you need to know how to do so safely and effectively.
While they might help, it’s not all about the mass gainer supplements. Here’s everything you need to know about science-based weight gain and how to properly move the needle.
Credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock
Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.
Before You Continue
Weight management is a complicated, sensitive topic. While dedicated, rapid weight gain may not be as commonly sought out as weight loss, it merits just as much care and sensitivity.
Studies show that chronic, dramatic overfeeding is correlated with negative health effects such as depression, disordered sleep, and more. (1)(2)(3) Significant, rapid fluctuations in body weight may put your health at risk and can predispose you to disordered eating behaviors. Consult with your physician or a qualified dietitian if you need personalized weight management care.
How Weight Gain Happens
Weight change (whether gaining or losing) is a bit like an iceberg. On the surface, things are simple: If you eat more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight, and the same is true for consuming fewer calories in an attempt to lose weight.
This mechanism, known as energy balance, is the principal factor driving weight change for just about everybody. However, under the surface lie a variety of sociological, psychological, and environmental factors that influence both your energy balance and the behaviors that regulate your eating habits.
Credit: – Yuri A / Shutterstock
[Read More: How to Bulk: The Ultimate Guide to Gaining Size]
So, barring certain medical conditions, if you find yourself gaining weight (or want to put on weight quickly), it’s because you’re in a net positive energy balance, period. But those circumstantial factors can affect how easy it is for you to find yourself in a calorie surplus in the first place.
For some, a busy lifestyle, familial obligations, or a hectic work schedule leads to unintentional weight gain. But what if those same circumstances make it difficult to get adequate nutrition? You need a practical, proactive approach to weight gain.
How to Gain Weight Fast
In the simplest terms, the formula for weight gain boils down to “eat more, move less.” If you’re adding strength training into the mix (and you should be), a portion of that weight gain will come from new muscle alongside body fat, water retention, glycogen, and so on. (4)
[Read More: How to Gain Muscle — A Guide to Eating for Mass]
Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the factors that contribute to gaining weight quickly, in order of importance:
Eat More Calories
There’s no getting around it — if you want to gain weight, you need to consume more energy than you burn. To gain weight quickly, you’ll need to identify your caloric maintenance needs and then ingest a certain number of calories above that each and every day.
Calorie Calculator
Activity Level
Sedentary: little or no exercise
Exercise 1-3 times/week
Exercise 4-5 times/week
Daily exercise or intense exercise 3-4 times/week
Intense exercise 6-7 times/week
Very intense exercise daily, or physical job
BMR estimation formula
Your daily calorie needs: Calories Per Day
Daily calorie needs based on goal
Calories Per Day
Fat Loss
Extreme Fat Loss
Exercise: 15-30 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.
Intense exercise: 45-120 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.
Very intense exercise: 2+ hours of elevated heart rate activity.
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$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').val("");
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$('.calorie_calculator .calc-submit').click(function() {
var height = 0;
var calories = 0;
var katch = $("input[name='katch']").val();
katch = katch/100;
var eq = $('.calorie_calculator #eq option:selected').val();
var heightTens = parseInt($('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-tens"]').val());
var heightUnits= parseInt($('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').val());
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var heightTypex = parseInt($('.calorie_calculator input[name="heightTypex"]').val());
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var weightType = $('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight-system"]:checked').val();
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var sex = $('.calorie_calculator input[name=sex]:checked').val();
var job = $('.calorie_calculator input[name=activity]:checked').val();
var bmr = '';
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heightUnits = 0;
if (units_x == "EN") {
height = ((heightTens * 30.48) + (heightUnits * 2.54));
else {
height = (heightTens * 100) + heightUnits;
if (units_x == "EN") {
weight = (weight * 0.453592);
if (sex == "M") {
if (eq == "1") {
bmr = Math.round(88.362 + (weight * 13.397) + (height * 4.799) - (age * 5.677));
}else if (eq == "2"){
bmr = Math.round(5 + (weight * 10) + (height * 6.25) - (age * 5));
}else if (eq == "3"){
// bmr = Math.round(weight*(100-(20)))/100);
bmr = Math.round(370+21.6*(1-katch)*weight);
else {
if (eq == "1") {
bmr = Math.round(447.593 + (weight * 9.247) + (height * 3.098) - (age * 4.330));
}else if (eq == "2"){
bmr = Math.round((weight * 10) + (height * 6.25) - (age * 5));
bmr = (bmr - 161);
}else if (eq == "3"){
bmr = Math.round(370+21.6*(1-katch)*weight);
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case "a1":
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case "a2":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.375);
case "a3":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.466);
case "a4":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.55);
case "a5":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.725);
case "a6":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.9);
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$('.calorie_calculator .d_calorie_result').html(calories);
$('.calorie_calculator .maint_result').html(calories);
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[Read More: 5 Great Bulking Foods for Digestion, Intra-Workout, and More]
A 500-calorie excess, or surplus, should net you about an extra pound on the scale every week (since a pound of body fat equals 3,500 calories). If you’re performing strength training workouts, a portion of that extra weight should come from lean muscle mass instead of fat alone.
Eat More Frequently
If you’re finding it difficult to increase your calorie consumption in order to gain weight, one of the best things you can do is increase the frequency of your eating. Adding two micro-meals or snacks between breakfast, lunch, and dinner can help you pack in some extra calories quickly, and smaller meals aren’t likely to make you feel too full to eat at all.
Drink Your Calories
If you need to pack in some extra calories but can’t stomach another forkful of chicken and rice, turning toward liquid options may be your best bet. Calorie-dense beverages such as whole milk or meal replacement shakes can be ingested much more quickly than solid food and still provide heaps of nutrition in the process.
Credit: Elnur / Shutterstock
Some studies have shown that liquid-based caloric intake leads to more substantial acute weight gain than solid food exclusively, but these results haven’t been measured over the long term. (5)(6)
Reduce Your NEAT
Your body burns calories constantly, from the moment you wake until you rest your head on your pillow at night (and even while you’re sleeping). The energy you burn throughout the day, outside of dedicated exercise, is called NEAT: Non-exercise activity thermogenesis.
The higher your NEAT value is, the harder it’ll be to gain weight. (7) You can take small steps to reduce your NEAT (and thus lower your caloric maintenance level) by parking closer to the entrances of stores, sitting rather than standing when possible, and so on.
Just be sure to not take this to the extreme — there is a long list of health benefits related to maintaining a high level of general physical activity, and you shouldn’t neglect these things in an effort to put on a few extra pounds.
Try Cold Water Immersion
If you find it difficult to gain weight because you lack for appetite, taking a dip in some icy waters might help get your stomach rumbling. Some studies have shown that cold water immersion (CWI) significantly stimulates appetite — as long as the water you immerse yourself in is roughly 20 degrees Celsius. (8)
Less Water, More Sodium
Your water consumption habits strongly influence your body weight on a day-to-day basis. The relationship between water intake and your weight, though, might surprise you. Generally speaking, the more water you consume, the less your body will feel the need to hold onto.
“Water loading” is a common practice for athletes who need to drop their scale weight quickly ahead of competitions. Conversely, drinking less water can help you retain more fluid and increase your scale weight accordingly. Upping your sodium intake can help as well since sodium causes further water retention.
[Read More: The Surprising Benefits of Salt for Strength Athletes]
One study showed that 1.5 extra liters of water ingested per day was correlated with acute weight loss. (9) Reducing how much water you drink may help you gain temporary scale weight, but understand that this isn’t a sustainable approach to putting on weight long-term.
Best Foods for Gaining Weight
To gain weight quickly, you don’t need to eat more food — you must consume more calories. Calorically-dense foods will provide the energy surplus you need to make gains on the scale without requiring you to shovel down extra-large portions at every meal.
More specifically, you can make your weight gain journey easier by opting for high-sugar, high-fat food sources, which are more palatable and tempting (10) (just remember to not skimp out on your vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients!)
Credit: YARUNIV Studio / Shutterstock
[Read More: How to Count Macros for Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, and Maintenance]
Here are a few solid options. Note that these nutritional values are general estimates and may vary somewhat between products and brands:
1. Nuts & Seeds
Nuts and seeds are a great option for putting down extra calories by the handful. Most foods in the nut family are extremely high in healthy fats (and equally calorically-dense). For example, a one-ounce serving of plain almonds contains roughly 170 calories.
2. Fatty Meat & Fish
If you don’t practice vegetarianism or follow a vegan diet, you should be eating meat to both hit your protein goals and put on weight. Go for fatty options like ground beef here. A 3-ounce serving of 85% ground beef holds 220 calories and comes with 24 grams of protein as well.
3. Whole Milk
Whole milk is one of the most cost-effective, calorie-dense beverages you can buy. In addition to providing ample amounts of micronutrients like calcium and vitamin D, an 8-ounce serving of whole milk also contains 150 calories and 8 grams of protein.
4. Weight Gainers
Weight gainers are nutritional supplements designed to, well, help you gain weight. Gainer powders come packed to the brim with lots of calories and carbohydrates to fuel high-volume weight lifting workouts. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: LIQUID MUSCLE? — The BEST Protein Powders for Muscle Gain (2023) (
[Read More: The Real Mass Gainer Pros and Cons, According to an RD and a Biochemist]
Nutritional contents vary significantly between brands, with some mass gainers offering in excess of 1,000 calories per serving.
5. Granola
You can replace your morning cereal with granola and increase your caloric intake...
Click here to view the article.
The post How to Gain Weight Fast (and Safely), According to Science appeared first on BarBend.
Weight loss is a popular pursuit, particularly at the start of the new year. But your health & fitness goals may not center around reducing the number on the scale. If you’re trying to gain weight fast — whether for sports or a desire to bulk up into a new shirt size — you need to know how to do so safely and effectively.
While they might help, it’s not all about the mass gainer supplements. Here’s everything you need to know about science-based weight gain and how to properly move the needle.

Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.
Before You Continue
Weight management is a complicated, sensitive topic. While dedicated, rapid weight gain may not be as commonly sought out as weight loss, it merits just as much care and sensitivity.
Studies show that chronic, dramatic overfeeding is correlated with negative health effects such as depression, disordered sleep, and more. (1)(2)(3) Significant, rapid fluctuations in body weight may put your health at risk and can predispose you to disordered eating behaviors. Consult with your physician or a qualified dietitian if you need personalized weight management care.
How Weight Gain Happens
Weight change (whether gaining or losing) is a bit like an iceberg. On the surface, things are simple: If you eat more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight, and the same is true for consuming fewer calories in an attempt to lose weight.
This mechanism, known as energy balance, is the principal factor driving weight change for just about everybody. However, under the surface lie a variety of sociological, psychological, and environmental factors that influence both your energy balance and the behaviors that regulate your eating habits.

[Read More: How to Bulk: The Ultimate Guide to Gaining Size]
So, barring certain medical conditions, if you find yourself gaining weight (or want to put on weight quickly), it’s because you’re in a net positive energy balance, period. But those circumstantial factors can affect how easy it is for you to find yourself in a calorie surplus in the first place.
For some, a busy lifestyle, familial obligations, or a hectic work schedule leads to unintentional weight gain. But what if those same circumstances make it difficult to get adequate nutrition? You need a practical, proactive approach to weight gain.
How to Gain Weight Fast
In the simplest terms, the formula for weight gain boils down to “eat more, move less.” If you’re adding strength training into the mix (and you should be), a portion of that weight gain will come from new muscle alongside body fat, water retention, glycogen, and so on. (4)
[Read More: How to Gain Muscle — A Guide to Eating for Mass]
Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the factors that contribute to gaining weight quickly, in order of importance:
Eat More Calories
There’s no getting around it — if you want to gain weight, you need to consume more energy than you burn. To gain weight quickly, you’ll need to identify your caloric maintenance needs and then ingest a certain number of calories above that each and every day.
Calorie Calculator
Activity Level
Sedentary: little or no exercise
Exercise 1-3 times/week
Exercise 4-5 times/week
Daily exercise or intense exercise 3-4 times/week
Intense exercise 6-7 times/week
Very intense exercise daily, or physical job
BMR estimation formula
Your daily calorie needs: Calories Per Day
Daily calorie needs based on goal
Calories Per Day
Fat Loss
Extreme Fat Loss
Exercise: 15-30 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.
Intense exercise: 45-120 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.
Very intense exercise: 2+ hours of elevated heart rate activity.
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var sex = $('.calorie_calculator input[name=sex]:checked').val();
var job = $('.calorie_calculator input[name=activity]:checked').val();
var bmr = '';
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heightUnits = 0;
if (units_x == "EN") {
height = ((heightTens * 30.48) + (heightUnits * 2.54));
else {
height = (heightTens * 100) + heightUnits;
if (units_x == "EN") {
weight = (weight * 0.453592);
if (sex == "M") {
if (eq == "1") {
bmr = Math.round(88.362 + (weight * 13.397) + (height * 4.799) - (age * 5.677));
}else if (eq == "2"){
bmr = Math.round(5 + (weight * 10) + (height * 6.25) - (age * 5));
}else if (eq == "3"){
// bmr = Math.round(weight*(100-(20)))/100);
bmr = Math.round(370+21.6*(1-katch)*weight);
else {
if (eq == "1") {
bmr = Math.round(447.593 + (weight * 9.247) + (height * 3.098) - (age * 4.330));
}else if (eq == "2"){
bmr = Math.round((weight * 10) + (height * 6.25) - (age * 5));
bmr = (bmr - 161);
}else if (eq == "3"){
bmr = Math.round(370+21.6*(1-katch)*weight);
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case "a2":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.375);
case "a3":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.466);
case "a4":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.55);
case "a5":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.725);
case "a6":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.9);
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[Read More: 5 Great Bulking Foods for Digestion, Intra-Workout, and More]
A 500-calorie excess, or surplus, should net you about an extra pound on the scale every week (since a pound of body fat equals 3,500 calories). If you’re performing strength training workouts, a portion of that extra weight should come from lean muscle mass instead of fat alone.
Eat More Frequently
If you’re finding it difficult to increase your calorie consumption in order to gain weight, one of the best things you can do is increase the frequency of your eating. Adding two micro-meals or snacks between breakfast, lunch, and dinner can help you pack in some extra calories quickly, and smaller meals aren’t likely to make you feel too full to eat at all.
Drink Your Calories
If you need to pack in some extra calories but can’t stomach another forkful of chicken and rice, turning toward liquid options may be your best bet. Calorie-dense beverages such as whole milk or meal replacement shakes can be ingested much more quickly than solid food and still provide heaps of nutrition in the process.

Some studies have shown that liquid-based caloric intake leads to more substantial acute weight gain than solid food exclusively, but these results haven’t been measured over the long term. (5)(6)
Reduce Your NEAT
Your body burns calories constantly, from the moment you wake until you rest your head on your pillow at night (and even while you’re sleeping). The energy you burn throughout the day, outside of dedicated exercise, is called NEAT: Non-exercise activity thermogenesis.
The higher your NEAT value is, the harder it’ll be to gain weight. (7) You can take small steps to reduce your NEAT (and thus lower your caloric maintenance level) by parking closer to the entrances of stores, sitting rather than standing when possible, and so on.
Just be sure to not take this to the extreme — there is a long list of health benefits related to maintaining a high level of general physical activity, and you shouldn’t neglect these things in an effort to put on a few extra pounds.
Try Cold Water Immersion
If you find it difficult to gain weight because you lack for appetite, taking a dip in some icy waters might help get your stomach rumbling. Some studies have shown that cold water immersion (CWI) significantly stimulates appetite — as long as the water you immerse yourself in is roughly 20 degrees Celsius. (8)
Less Water, More Sodium
Your water consumption habits strongly influence your body weight on a day-to-day basis. The relationship between water intake and your weight, though, might surprise you. Generally speaking, the more water you consume, the less your body will feel the need to hold onto.
“Water loading” is a common practice for athletes who need to drop their scale weight quickly ahead of competitions. Conversely, drinking less water can help you retain more fluid and increase your scale weight accordingly. Upping your sodium intake can help as well since sodium causes further water retention.
[Read More: The Surprising Benefits of Salt for Strength Athletes]
One study showed that 1.5 extra liters of water ingested per day was correlated with acute weight loss. (9) Reducing how much water you drink may help you gain temporary scale weight, but understand that this isn’t a sustainable approach to putting on weight long-term.
Best Foods for Gaining Weight
To gain weight quickly, you don’t need to eat more food — you must consume more calories. Calorically-dense foods will provide the energy surplus you need to make gains on the scale without requiring you to shovel down extra-large portions at every meal.
More specifically, you can make your weight gain journey easier by opting for high-sugar, high-fat food sources, which are more palatable and tempting (10) (just remember to not skimp out on your vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients!)

[Read More: How to Count Macros for Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, and Maintenance]
Here are a few solid options. Note that these nutritional values are general estimates and may vary somewhat between products and brands:
1. Nuts & Seeds
Nuts and seeds are a great option for putting down extra calories by the handful. Most foods in the nut family are extremely high in healthy fats (and equally calorically-dense). For example, a one-ounce serving of plain almonds contains roughly 170 calories.
2. Fatty Meat & Fish
If you don’t practice vegetarianism or follow a vegan diet, you should be eating meat to both hit your protein goals and put on weight. Go for fatty options like ground beef here. A 3-ounce serving of 85% ground beef holds 220 calories and comes with 24 grams of protein as well.
3. Whole Milk
Whole milk is one of the most cost-effective, calorie-dense beverages you can buy. In addition to providing ample amounts of micronutrients like calcium and vitamin D, an 8-ounce serving of whole milk also contains 150 calories and 8 grams of protein.
4. Weight Gainers
Weight gainers are nutritional supplements designed to, well, help you gain weight. Gainer powders come packed to the brim with lots of calories and carbohydrates to fuel high-volume weight lifting workouts. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: LIQUID MUSCLE? — The BEST Protein Powders for Muscle Gain (2023) (
[Read More: The Real Mass Gainer Pros and Cons, According to an RD and a Biochemist]
Nutritional contents vary significantly between brands, with some mass gainers offering in excess of 1,000 calories per serving.
5. Granola
You can replace your morning cereal with granola and increase your caloric intake...
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