How to get prescribed test: help me find this thread


New member
I saw a thread somewhere that had a link to a page detailing how to go about getting test prescribed by a doctor. If I remember correctly the thread also talked about "hormone treatment spas". Does someone know which thread this was or can link me to similar info? I checked google but I think I'm just searching the wrong terms
Step 1 Find endocrinologist
2 Have low test.
3 Pay the doctor

Key words to search are TRT and hormone replacement therapy clinics

Or you can go the other route...
Step 1 Find endocrinologist
2 Have low test.
3 Pay the doctor

Key words to search are TRT and hormone replacement therapy clinics

Or you can go the other route...
I've been looking at stuff like this but the description of the article indicated that it described how to get the prescription without necessarily having low T. Looked like it outlined what you should be saying/complaining about. Now the descriptions on the websites for a lot of these "spas" seem line they will prescribe T to anyone who isn't living a dream life but I don't want to waste time and money to be turned away if I could just learn a few "key words" to begin with
A good set of words to use with any hormone doctor is that you are looking to feel better, to feel normal again, and that you do not care about numbers. That you are not trying to hit specific numbers for test in the body (even if you actually are), but that you want whatever dose makes you feel your best. If that means lowering the dose, then you want it lowered, but if it means raising it, then you want it raised.

At least my Urologist was very pleased when I told him such a thing. I asked him if I could raise the dose to see if I felt better and that I would drop it back down in 3 months if it did not improve anything. He agreed and I told him an amount in the middle of where he wanted me and where I wanted to try was where I felt the best, that the higher dose did nothing so why bother doing that much? He happily increased my dose to that new, higher, number. :)
Doctors practice what they call factual based medicine. It doesnt matter what your symptoms are to a certain extent. If the blood test shows adequate test levels you will be arse out. You want low test levels for the blood test. So if you want to do this just drink very heavily for a few days then go get the blood test. Alcohol destroys test levels. Its probably why drunks love muscle never works.
Doctors practice what they call factual based medicine. It doesnt matter what your symptoms are to a certain extent. If the blood test shows adequate test levels you will be arse out. You want low test levels for the blood test. So if you want to do this just drink very heavily for a few days then go get the blood test. Alcohol destroys test levels. Its probably why drunks love muscle never works.

It is usually only alcoholics that experience dramatically lowered test levels due to its effect on NAD+, not to mention the actual leydig tissue damage it may or may not do. The best thing to do in my opinion would be to do a cycle and then wait until the end and then go to the Doc. Your test levels will be tanked then.
I just did my bloods after 4 weeks off of short esters and they came back at 399 doc said too high went back at 7 weeks off and took Tren ace only 4 days before test and he called as soon as bloods came in and said he was writing me a script my shit was bottomed out so guess the tren theory works.. not sure how low they were he is mailing me the results I will update when I get them