How you know your a meat head


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Now you may be thinking to yourself, “How do I know if I’m a meat-head?” Well, you’re in luck! I’ve created a simple test to determine your meat-head status, just answer true or false to the following statements.

1.When friends ask you what you’re doing tonight you replay, back and bi’s.
2.You pretend that you’re looking through a glass window as you walk by but are actually checking to see how your arms look in your shirt.
3.When you run into a friend you haven’t seen in a while and they say you look like you’ve lost weight, it ruins the rest of your day.
4.You spend more time watching internet videos of guys working out than you do of women in bikinis.
5.When you open your tub of protein only to realize you only have 1 scoop left you have a mild panic attack.
6.Before you go out you take a double dose of Nitric Oxide and do a few pushups so you look pumped up.
7.You quote Pumping Iron throughout your workout.
8.Before you lift anything you say “light weight baby!”

If you answered “true” to at least 5 of these then congratulations, you’re a meat-head! Now that you know you’re in the club, your first order of business should be to find your nearest mirror and check your bicep development. Go on, don’t be shy. Now that you’ve checked out the goods, reward yourself with a protein shake. You’ve earned it, meat-head!
LOL! I can answer yes to 6 of those. I guess that makes me a meathead.
lmao my girls always laughing at me cause everywhere we go im checking my shit in mirrors or feeling my arms at work shit like this lol, again i hate being called skinny but it motivates me i could be 260 and still think i was skinny
with the exception of the preworkout drink then yeah pretty much all of them

not some much the pumping iron quotes every once in a while:bench:

"ain't nuttin but a peanut baby"
I think it's obvious that I spend more time looking at women in their bikinis than guys lifting, but that might have to do with the fact that I sweat test
hahahaha^^^^ yeah I dont watch many lift videos, but when someone calls me skinny or that wow you lost alot of weight saying it eats me up =( and anything reflective is where my eyes r going to check myself out haha
I don't like hearing that I've lost weight either, but I don't hear it often. I normally hear that I look bigger than I am which of course gives me a huge ego boost, but that will happen when you're as light as I am and the only place to go is up in weight
Don't forget, Meatheads...never stand between a fellow meathead and his reflection in the mirror.
You can add to that you're a meathead when you carry a gallon of water around with you everywhere you go
So in other words Ox, you never have the right of way?? We all know Metal carries a mini mirror with him everywhere he goes so he can look in it and tell himself that he's a big guy and nobody wants to fuck with him
So in other words Ox, you never have the right of way?? We all know Metal carries a mini mirror with him everywhere he goes so he can look in it and tell himself that he's a big guy and nobody wants to fuck with him

That's cold, Big. Yeah, Metal pulls out his mirror and says, "Who's a big boy? That's right, you're a big boy."