huge upperbody and no legs

I know what you're talking about. My legs have always been my strong point. I played football and track (shotput, and 400m). I feel like my ass is way too big for my upper body. In high school I was squating like 450lbs, and pressing 800lbs and I only weighed about 150. I'm trying to catch up with my upper body now, but I still do legs at least once per week.
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hey man--don't knock guys that wear pants at the gym--i always wear my adidas windpants regardless of the weather--i get sick of people looking at me because i shave my legs!
I wasnt really knocking pants wearers, I just dont understand it. I'd rather train with as little clothing on as possible (but I'm a fucking sweat machine :D ) . Shorts, tank, and shoes (sometimes socks). That's about it.
I had pretty extensive knee surgery a few years ago and working legs heavy just wasnt an option for me up untill about a year ago, so my upperbody is a lot larger then my legs at this point. Kinda sucks but ill get them legs bigger eventually. My calfs arnt all that bad though, they are pretty vascular and got a decent diamond shape to them.
I quit working my legs in highschool after I hurt my back on squats. Then one day I got sick of looking at those weak pencil legs and have been working them 2 times a week for a year. Now I love that sick feeling you get from squats.
Dude that shiat bothers me....I hate a big dude w/ lil legs are my fav. body part to lift. People seem to forget a big quad sweep will make you look much bigger than just arms!