Hurricanes! and Real Life of a healthcare worker


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
One more huge fucking reason Healthcare workers don't make enough money.

If you think there should be no caps for CEO's you're an asshole

All the planning started yesterday, previous plans were changed, all admin has their heads up their asses and the Nig's like myself pay the price, while they evacuate to a 5 star hotel

The CEO makes (not earns) over $98,000 a week, yes A WEEK! but we don't get raises or bonuses, when we do get raises they are literally in the 20 cent range, denied cost of living a multitude of times, which would be OK if it were across the board (CEO, CFO, VP's, Director's etc etc) to keep cost down, but it's not. 70 people out of over 7300 people get exponentially more money, while everyone who runs the economy with their day to day, month to month life styles have to get cheaper and cheaper, spend less, or steal things like pirating movies and music, all leading to a weak weak ass economy, locally and nationally, or get in more debt than can be realistically afforded which will only delay the individuals life style lie from becoming a truth.

This Hurricane may come through, loop around and come back through, and we are told the hospitals will have:
limited food
No where to sleep
Limited places to wash off
Straight through hours which may start today, or tomorrow through sunday
No hazard pay
no bonus
no pension
1980's wages
less staff
more work
more rules
heavier patients

Hope you are all safe and having a stress free week too. I almost have no ulcers. In the past it has never been this jumbled up. Plans were made well in advance and followed. Food was over stocked at the hospitals, sleeping arrangements were made etc

Stay safe L.E. EMS Healthcare workers, bc no one is looking out for you, but at least some of you will have a pension (like Firefighters) to look forward to.
Peace out.
stay safe daddio, from this asshole to you ya liberal bastard! lol
If you want a CEOs pay, go be a CEO. Nothing stopping you but your excuses and blame laid elsewhere.

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If you want a CEOs pay, go be a CEO. Nothing stopping you but your excuses and blame laid elsewhere.

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hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha yeah. About 5% of CEO's on the level I am speaking of are spoon fed into that spot, and they are a close knit group, when they get laid off at one place it goes like this---- COMPANY LEAVE PACKAGE, GUY FROM FLORIDA GOES TO TEXAS, GUY FROM TEXAS GOES TO WASHINGTON, GUY FROM WASHINGTON GOES TO NEW YORK, AND GUY FROM NEW YORK GOES TO FLORIDA. For the record I do not want CEO pay, my point is NO HOSPITAL CEO EARNS 98,000 a week. None. They make it, and more, but they do not earn it. Don't ever complain about waiting for any healthcare for the rest of your life, not wait times, not about service, not about outcomes.
stay safe daddio, from this asshole to you ya liberal bastard! lol

We did a lot better than expected, thanks man! And hey now, I took an extensive test and turns out I am 40% Conservative & 60% Liberal, that about as middle of the road as you can get haha