Hydroxycut Hardcore

i prefer clen over this stuff but it's legal.I hate muscletech but it's just my opinion. They tend to charge alot for something you can get the same for alot less
i know you wanted an honest opinion...... so here it is..

dont buy that crap, to many herbs nd roots and shit you dont even need.

instead get yourself the main ingredients.......ephedrine hcl, caffiene, and yohimbine hcl. that way you can control the doses according to how you handle it. plus, it will be way cheaper, and way more effective.

i would say start with 25mgs ehpedrine, 200mgs caff, 2.5 - 5 mgs of yohimbine 2x/day :thumbsup:
38532nd said:
i prefer clen over this stuff but it's legal.I hate muscletech but it's just my opinion. They tend to charge alot for something you can get the same for alot less

yep Muscletech sucks alright thats for damn sure. It's truely amazing how much absolute shit is in their sups
They just change the label for a newer updated look with some new "claims" on the side and charge 10% more.